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Things You Probably Didn't Know About Yellow Tulips

Bhakti Satalkar
Tulips are probably synonymous with the season of spring. Available in several colors that range from yellow and red to orange and pink, they have the ability to change the ambiance of any room. Read ahead to learn more about yellow tulips.
Yellow tulips (or any other tulip for that matter) are the most popular spring flowers. Some people use them to decorate their homes, while others use them as gift choices for their loved ones. They are perennial and bulbous plants that belong to the genus Tulipa and the family Liliaceae.
There are many different types of tulips available. There are as many as 109 species of this plant. A fact about tulips is that they are divided into 15 classes based on their season of blooming, parentage and floral characteristics.
The tulip plant is native to regions in Southern Europe, North Africa, Iran, Northwest China and Anatolia. Pamir, Hindu Kush and Tien Shan mountains are the center of diversity where tulip flowers are found. Many hybrid species of tulips are also grown all around the world. Among the different tulips, the yellow tulips are special to a number of us.


Recognizing yellow tulips is not difficult. The flowers of the tulip plant are large in size and have a cup shape.
The stem of the plant is tall. Although the name means that the flowers are yellow in color, the color of these tulips can range from bright yellow to orange yellow. At the same time, there are a number of other colors, which have striations of yellow in them.


There is no doubt that the meanings of these flowers have played an important role when one talks about flowers. The meaning of yellow tulips has evolved over a period of years. It is the symbolism which draws a number of people to it. They are known to symbolize friendship. 'Hopeless love' is another meaning which attracts varied people to the flower.
The other meaning attached to them is that of cheerfulness. Therefore, it is gifted to people who are very cheerful. These flowers are also used to describe the brightness of sunshine. Hence, a person with a radiant and bright smile is described as a yellow tulip.
Happiness can also be depicted through them. Other than these positive meanings, there are other negative meanings attached to this flower as well. According to some beliefs, rejection in love may be denoted with yellow tulips.

Care and Cultivation

A temperate climate with a mountainous terrain is where tulips are grown. For the healthy growth of the flowers, a period of cool dormancy is required. The flowers are often grown in areas that have long and cool springs along with early summers. Although they are perennial in nature, they are replanted in the warmer areas of the world.
Tulips last anywhere between 4 to 7 days. They may last longer if appropriate care is taken. When you get the tulips, it is best to place them in water at the earliest.
An important tip is to re-cut the stem of the tulips at an angle. It will encourage better absorption of water. As soon as you cut the flowers, place them in water, this will help in increasing the life of the flower.
It is not uncommon to see a bride carrying a yellow tulip wedding bouquet. At the same time, you may choose to surprise your loved ones by having a yellow tulips bouquet delivered to them.
Your loved ones will be thrilled with the surprise. Normally the bouquets are made with around 10 to 20 stems of tulips in them.