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How to Water a Plant

Saptakee Sengupta
Water is the most vital aspect for a plant's sustenance. Therefore it is essential to know the techniques and significance of watering them. Read on to know more.
Plants tend to wilt and dry if they do not receive adequate water. A little effort to water the plants correctly will let them stay healthy and vibrant. Your house will just be a piece of heaven with green plants swaying and colorful flowering plants blossoming. So get the tips in the following content and help plants derive complete benefits of water.

Tips for Watering Plants

The water must penetrate their roots and should get distributed throughout the shoot system.

► Water plants early in the morning or in the evening, when the rate of evaporation is minimum. Avoid doing the same in the presence of sun and wind.
► You should water young plants and saplings regularly, as they need to establish their root system.
► Plants require less water if the soil is moisture laden. Dry soil requires frequent watering, so that the plants do not wilt or dry away.

► Plants require more water during summer than in winter.

► Plants susceptible to diseases should not be watered at night as water retention will make them vulnerable to fungus and bacterial attack.
► Grass beds require an inch of water for few days to prevent from drying. It also enhances luxurious growth.

► Mature plants can be watered heavily and even less frequently water, they can survive for a long time due to their extensive root system.
► With excess water, the roots are unable to breathe and their leaves turn yellow with mushy stems.

► Container gardening requires more water than those planted in grounds.
► Shrubs, landscape plants, and trees should be watered just outside the drip line while vegetables and perennials require heavy watering as they have shallow roots when young.

► Before you begin, you should also know the age of the plant. Young samplings require more water as compared to the older plants.

Significance of Watering Plants

Scientifically, water is necessary for supporting the most vital processes that sustain life. It is essential for plant photosynthesis and respiration. Much water is lost from plants through a process called transpiration. So to supplement the same need, external watering is essential.
It has many dissolved minerals and salts in it that are important for overall healthy survival of plants. These are taken up by the plants' root system. Watering plants with different liquids can be done using liquid fertilizers or fertilizer mixtures.
Water plants by pouring water at the base of the plants so that it penetrates deep into the root system. Do not throw or splash. Use a pouring can for a smoother process. Later, allow the plants to dry for some time so that their root system do not get clogged.

While on a Vacation

You can device a sprinkler system that can store water, and water the plants automatically.
For your houseplants, you can hang an inverted bottle, containing enough water to last a few days. Keep it capped and prick few holes in it. In this system, the water will drip slowly over the plants and the root system can soak it completely.
For outdoor plants, cover them completely with plastic bags and water before leaving. The plastic bags will prevent evaporation. The moisture will be retained, preventing the plants from wilting.