Have fun playing an exotic quiz on orchids and learn some interesting tidbits along the way!
Batul Nafisa Baxamusa
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It's one thing to like an orchid, but being knowledgeable about orchids is a different level of fandom. This test on orchids will tell if you are an orchid enthusiast or just a fan.
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Paphiopedilum spicerianum is found in Assam, India. It grows in other regions such as Bhutan, Myanmar, and Yunnan China. This beautiful orchid is easy to grow and maintain.
Orchid Tidbits
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Orchidaceae is the 2nd largest family of flowering plants. The flowers have a zygomorphic symmetry and are colorful as well as fragrant.
Orchid Tidbits
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The anthers of the orchids are cap-like structures at the apex of the column.
Orchid Tidbits
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Phalaenopsis need delicate care. Do not overwater them, keep their crown dry, and keep them warm away from direct sunlight at all times.
Orchid Tidbits
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Zeuxine rolfiana is so rare that it was found in 2010 after only being mentioned in records as old as 121 years. The ones found by scientists are sterile, so hopes of them reproducing is also slim.
Orchid Tidbits
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Dracula Simia or Monkey orchid appears like a monkey and displays different facial expressions when in bloom. It grows in the southeastern Ecuador.
Orchid Tidbits
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Ophrys insectifera or fly orchid is the perfect example of sexually-deceptive pollination. It even appears like a fly and attracts male insects who unwillingly pollinate the orchid.
Orchid Tidbits
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The Flying Duck orchid attracts sawfly for pollination. When the sawfly lands on the flower, the labellum springs down on it and traps the insect. The only way out for the sawfly covers it in pollen, thus, helping pollinating the plant.
Orchid Tidbits
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With over 20,000 species , orchids are one of the most exotic, rarest, and interesting flowers. A few are endangered and some have gone extinct. If you have an orchid in your garden or surrounding, consider it a lucky treat.