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Tamukeyama Japanese Maple

Azmin Taraporewala
Does Tamukeyama Japanese Maple interest you? If it does, then this article serves to be a must read. Learn all about the care, pruning and planting of this 'spiritual maple tree'.
The Tamukeyama is a type of maple tree that hails from the Japanese maple tree family. The botanical nomenclature of Tamukeyama Japanese Maple is an intriguing one. In scientific terminology, the tree is referred to as Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Tamukeyama'.
This thread of words carry a specific significance. Hence, the string of words Acer Palmatum dissectum suggests that this particular breed of Japanese maple is cutleaf, laceleaf, threadleaf or splitleaf.
Following close is the term atropurpureum that describes the tendency of the leaves turning a fresh purple. The term Tamukeyama is the name that denotes the variety of the vascular plant or a tracheophyte.
This specimen of the Japanese maple family tree derives its name from the mountain Tamukeya located in Kyushu. The mountain boasts of upholding the shrine of a Japanese warrior called Miyamoto Musashi. They, indeed, are perfect, not only for Japanese gardens, but for any garden type.

Interesting Facts

The Tamukeyama Japanese Maple is a disciplined frequenter of the autumn season. The season is lucky to witness the first glimpse of the red leaves the tree adorns. The puce red leaves foretell that winter is well on its way.
During the summer season, the Tamukeyama Japanese Maple transforms its color quarters to a shade of maroon and purple, switching to the statutory red when autumn sets in.
The Japanese Maple grows up to 6 to 8 feet in the passage of ten years. It can grow up to a height of 25 feet approximately. However, the tree is termed gradual and time taking where growth is concerned.
This vascular plant has an exceptionally good record maintained in terms of growth rate. The Tamukeyama grows well in heat and humidity.
Another fact worth mentioning is that its leaves are heat resistant. The leaves have the potential to retain their crimsons and fuchsias during intense heat. The color of the leaves refuse to fade and retains the fresh colors without any trouble.
It is due to this reason that their beauty is preserved. Hence, they become the ultimate choice of any landscaper who wants to add a landscape design that exudes charm.
The planting session can take place in an area that is partially shaded. A spot that bars the wind and has moist soil type is the ideal condition to plant the maple.
The Japanese maple is known for its resilience to heat and drought. It is no feeble a tree to lose its hue, when the sun scorches. It is virile enough to sustain in drought-like conditions, as well.
The tree exudes shades of red well into heralding fall; however, the highest hue degree of the tree could be a defined claret. A tree of such caliber, perhaps, is seldom replaced with any other 'new-arrival' cultivars.
The Tamukeyama Japanese maple looks best when exclusively planted. This means, there must be no companion plants of other species playing denizens with Tamukeyama. They ought to be engrafted at the walkway, or the aisle of your garden. This would enhance your landscape pouring vitality aplenty.
Large shrubs and trees, if planted in proximity with the Japanese maple, would overshadow the plant. Dwarf shrubs are an ideal pick, for the Japanese maple stands out with saliency.

Care Regimen

A watering regimen should be followed, as the maple preponderantly appreciates moist soil for optimum growth.
Take care of the Japanese Maple, when it is in its neonatal stages. Feeding the tree well with fertilizers at the onset of spring is a good investment. Organic fertilizers serve to be the best tree food.
Pruning is an essential activity. Pluck the dead and damaged branches.
Mulching is also a gardening activity that can do a good turn to your Tamukeyama. Mulching the roots with layers of organic mulch is beneficial to prevent plant diseases. Though the maple is less prone to diseases, it is always in the interest of the plant if the infestation is detected in the earlier stages.
Last but not the least, this tree has a unique spiritual significance. What more could be asked for, when beauty is natural and worship worthy! It could well be synonymous with the Tamukeyama Japanese Maple. They, indeed, are an ode to undying, chaste beauty.