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Common Swimming Pool Problems and Their Solutions

Mayuri Kulkarni
Maintaining a swimming pool can be very difficult, as there are a number of problems that can arise. We will help you with solutions to some of the common problems.
Most of the swimming pool problems are related to the water used in the pool. It is often very difficult to figure out the actual cause, as many factors can be responsible for a single problem. Let us see some of the common problems one by one and their solutions.


Algae is a plant that can grow in the swimming pool water. It is the most common condition and it gives rise to other problems, like making the surface slippery and blocking the filters installed in the pool.
The growth of algae can lead to black spots at the base of the pool and make the water dark green or cloudy.

Possible reasons:
  • Inadequate level of chlorine in the water.
  • Improper pool maintenance.
  • Use chlorine in adequate quantities.
  • Brush the parts of pool where algae is present.
  • Use of algaecide is also recommended.
  • Maintain a proper level of chlorine (3 ppm) in the pool water.
  • A mixture of chlorine and algaecide is recommended if algae is a recurrent problem. 

Cloudy water

Cloudy pool water can disappoint a swimmer, as the pool does not look pleasant.

Possible reasons:
  • Presence of algae.
  • Low chlorine level.
  • Improper filtration (Filter is not working properly).
  • High level alkalinity in the water, i.e., a high pH.
  • Increase the level of chlorine.
  • Use dry acids to lower the pH level.
  • Keep an eye on the filtration system.
  • Maintain a consistent and proper pH and chlorine level.

Smell of chlorine

The second-most common complaint of pool owners is unclean water even when they can smell chlorine. This smell is not of chlorine, but chloramines that are formed from free chlorine, ammonia, and nitrogen content. The sweat, urine, and other body wastes of the swimmers can also be the source of ammonia.
Possible reasons:
  • Improper pH level.
  • Large quantity of free chlorine.
  • Elevate the level of chlorine.
  • Regulate the pH level to the range of 7.2 to 7.8.
  • Maintain a proper pH and ensure less amount of free chlorine.  

Burning eyes, sore throat, or irritation of skin

Many a time, it is observed that the swimmers complain about these symptoms after swimming. The core reason for this problem can be the improper combination of solutions used in the pool water.
Possible reasons:
  • Too high or too low pH level.
  • Too low alkalinity.
  • Increased chloramines.
  • If the pH is high, decrease it using dry acids.
  • If the pH is low, increase it using sodium carbonate.
  • Try to maintain a pH level of 7.4.
  • Keep a check on the level of free chlorine. 


Stains present on the surface of the swimming pool water can reduce its pleasant view. Proper maintenance of the water can avoid this problem.
Possible reasons:
  • Low pH level.
  • Corrosion of the metals used in the pool, like pipes.
  • Complete replacement of water is recommended.
  • Contact a professional about this problem, as it is severe.  
  • Use PVC or copper pipes instead of metal pipes.
  • Check pH levels regularly.
In conclusion, a proper maintenance of the pH and chlorine level in swimming pool water can help to prevent all these problems. Replace the pool water regularly and use the test kits properly.