Sundews are carnivorous plants that grow all over the world, with the exception of Antarctica. Read ahead some information on the ideal conditions needed for the growth of this plant.
Drosera, which are commonly referred to as sundews, are carnivorous plants that belong to the Droseraceae family. These are herbaceous plants that grow all over the world with the exception of Antarctica.
The root, fruits and flowers of certain species of this plant are used for making herbal infusions. This plant can grow well in ordinary, mineral-deficient soil. It compensates for the lack of nutrition in the soil by preying on insects. To grow this plant in your flower garden, you must first find out about the ideal conditions needed for its growth.
Drosera Plant
This carnivorous plants uses a unique mechanism for luring and capturing insects. The surface of the leaves is covered by mucilaginous glands. These glands secrete certain digestive juices. These juices can be seen at the tip of the tentacles.
When the sun's rays fall on the plant, this gel-like substance glistens just like dew. This is the reason why this plant has been named as sundew. The insects get attracted to this plant due to its vibrant-colored foliage and exotic shape, but when they come in contact with the leaves, they get trapped in the gel-like substance.
The plant then uses the digestive enzymes to dissolve the body of the insect. Though various species of this plant grow on their own in various parts of the world, if you wish to grow this unique plant in your garden, here's some information on how to grow and care for this plant.
Caring for Drosera Plant
This plant grows best in mineral-deficient, acidic soil. The pH of the soil should lie between 4 to 5. It grows best if you add peat moss and perlite to the soil in equal proportions. You can also add sphagnum moss.
Being a carnivorous plant, it compensates for the lack of nutrients by feeding on insects. Nitrogen can harm the plant, which is why you need to refrain from amending the soil with any fertilizers. The soil must be kept moist at all times. You must not let the soil dry out completely.
However, don't ever go on a watering spree. Excessive watering can cause root rot, so water them as and when required. Since the presence of chlorine or fluorine in tap water might cause damage to the plant, use rainwater or distilled water.
Sundews need few hours of direct sunlight in the morning and filtered light for the rest of the day. Warm temperate and humid conditions are best if the plant is kept outdoors. During summer, the temperature should be in the range of 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas the temperature should be within the range of 45 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit during winter.
This plant feeds on flies, fruit flies, and gnats, so if these insects are present in the surroundings, the plant will capture its prey on its own, otherwise you can feed it small insects.
All you need to do is place a small insect on the tentacles, and watch this carnivorous plant wrap and digest the insect in its sticky digestive juice. If the drops of digestive juice are not visible on the tentacles, it is a warning that the plant needs to be cared for.
These were some of the basic instructions on sundew care. Do follow these instructions so that your plant grows properly. Not only will this exotic ornamental plant beautify your garden, you can also watch this plant use its dew-like enzyme to lure, capture and eat insects.