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Tips to Get Rid of Stink Bug Infestation

Rajib Singha
Stink bug infestation can be a source of great annoyance, especially for a gardener. Here we discuss some effective tips on how to get rid of stink bugs with the help of some natural methods.
True to its name, a stink bug emits small amounts of a noxious substance from its scent glands under its body. The odor works as a defense mechanism against predators, and as a mode of communication with its other kinds. This bug is commonly found in North America and there are about 260 species of it.
Stink bug infestation is more frequent in winters as these bugs begin to find their way into homes. Homes are the best places which can provide a warm and lighted environment for these pests to spend a good vacation.
Although stink bugs pose no threat to humans, their bite can be painful. And when they invade your garden, they can make a mess out of your precious plants.

Getting Rid of Stink Bugs Naturally

# Stink bugs are attracted to light. So one good method to get rid of them is to install light traps in places like basements, attics and crawl spaces.
The attraction towards light will serve as a good bait to capture these insects before they make their way into your living spaces. Here are some quick tips to build a light trap for these pests.
  • A large glass or preferably a plastic jar
  • Soapy solution
  • A light source
  • A plastic bag (large enough to wrap the container)
  • A pair of scissors
Making the Trap:
  • Fill 1/4th of the container with a soapy solution
  • Cut a hole in the plastic bag. The hole must be just large enough for a stink bug to pass through
  • Cover the container with the plastic bag and ensure that the hole is positioned in the center
  • Using slight pressure, push the center of the plastic bag down into the container so that it forms a funnel. Keep pushing until the opening of the funnel reaches half the depth of the container. But ensure the funnel is not touching the solution
  • To keep the plastic bag snugly wrapped around the container, use 2-3 rubber bands; one at the bottom, one at the center and one at the top of the container
  • The final step is to use the light source. If you want to use a flashlight, then make adjustments so that the light stays below the container and shines through it. Alternatively, an easier way would be using a small battery powered light that can be fitted at the bottom of the container using a tape
Switch on the light and place the trap in places that are frequented by stink bugs. The trap works best to attract these bugs when placed in a dark place. It is important to empty the traps daily if they have caught any insects. Place the trap in new places once you notice that it has stopped trapping any more bugs in the same place.
# Have an inspection of your outdoors and look for any crevices or cracks, as these are the places which usher the bugs into your home. So if you find any of these, then get them closed and fixed using a cement sealant.
Get some screens installed on your windows and doors. Places where you may check for holes and cracks are commonly around windows, doors, utility pipes, behind chimneys, etc.
# Vacuuming is another promising way to exterminate stink bugs.
After having your vacuum cleaner suck all these bugs, do not delay to seal the bag and destroy it by squashing it or lighting it up in a suitable place. Never keep a bag full of these bugs inside your house.
# To get rid of stink bugs from your garden, remove the weeds or dead, fallen foliage. These bugs use these substances as their cover. After doing that, spray some kaolin (clay) around the area and the clay solution on your plants. This prevents stink bugs to lay eggs and feed on plants. The clay can be washed off once the infestation is under control.
If nothing works and controlling the infestation goes out of your hands, then call for a professional pest controller. Take adequate precautions, especially during winter, to prevent a stink bug infestation. If, however, it is too late for preventing the situation, try to curb the invasion as soon as you notice it.