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Types of Sprinkler Heads

Sheeba Nambiar
Sprinklers are devices which are used to water lawns, and also to put out fires. There are many different types of sprinkler heads that can be used for different purposes. The following section gives more information about the same.
An important material or part of a sprinkler system is the sprinkler heads. This knowledge comes in handy for people who have houses with giant lawns, or also those who get sprinklers installed as a fire safety precaution.


Installing the right sprinkler system is essential for lawn care. A lawn needs a proper watering and irrigation system for good health and to stay fresh. Manual watering of a lawn is not easy, and neither ensures an even distribution of water.
A sprinkler head is a device that is attached at the end of a hose or water pipe, and evenly distributes water to a certain distance. It is small in size with a circular shaped top, and surrounded by a set of thin blades or fins arranged in a circular design.
The main purpose of sprinklers is to change the steady stream of water, and discharge it in a circular motion and curved shape from the sprinkler system, so that it reaches the desired distance and spreads evenly without any human intervention.


Sprinkler heads are not only used in lawn sprinkler systems, but also in fire suppression systems. Although the applications are different in both cases, the basic purpose is to distribute the water without any manual or human intervention.

For the Lawn

Rotor Heads: These are used in large and open areas as they rotate very wide. The distance that the spray of water covers is called 'throw', and the spray range can be adjusted according to the requirement.
Pop Up Rotor Heads: Pop up sprinklers are ones where a lower and wider portion is put into the ground. Here, the upper portion rises above the ground, and the spray of water is discharged when the sprinkler is activated. These are apt for open lawns, sidewalks, and curbs.
Spray Heads: Spray heads are quite common and are ideal for small lawns and shrubs. This is because their throw or spray range remains at a fixed radius, which allows target watering.
Another type is called bubbler, which sprays the water downwards, so that it waters only the roots without wetting the foliage.

Fire Sprinklers

Fire sprinkler systems are not only used in industrial and commercial establishments, but also in domestic properties to protect the inhabitants, valuable things, and the building from any potential breakout of fire.
ESFR Sprinklers: ESFR stands for Early Suppression Fast Response. These are designed to fight fire in no time and prevent it from getting out of control. The buildings that contain combustible material, or the places where such material is produced, are where ESFR sprinklers would be the most appropriate option.
Suppression Sprinklers: Suppression sprinkler heads spray a finer stream of water, that directly targets a highly combustible material and suppresses the fire.
Low Pressure Heads: These are specially designed for large buildings and skyscrapers that suffer from low water pressure, making the other types ineffective.
Control Mode Sprinklers: These can be fixed in individual rooms or specific areas. They are very commonly used. They spray water on and also surround the fire-affected area with water, preventing secondary fires from starting.
Others types of sprinklers include decorator sprinklers, extended coverage sprinklers, residential, and water mist sprinklers.