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Radish Seeds

Rimlee Bhuyan
One of the easiest vegetables to grow in your vegetable garden are radishes. The best way to grow them is from radish seeds. This story explains how to plant the seeds and take care of the saplings.
Radishes are root vegetables and there are different varieties of them. They are high in folic acid, vitamin B, and potassium and are eaten mainly in salads and stews. The best thing about these vegetables is that you can eat the root as well as the leaves. They provide numerous health benefits, and are excellent to grow in your vegetable garden.
Radish plants are one of the fastest plants to grow; they germinate within a week, and are ready for consumption within a month. The best and quickest way to grow different varieties of this tasty root vegetable is by germination of seeds.

Planting the Seeds

First, you need to purchase the right seeds for sowing. It is best to purchase organic seeds in different varieties. Once you have them ready, it is time to prepare the soil. It is very important that you prepare the garden soil well, as the vegetables will require nutrients to grow and thrive. Rich, loamy, well-drained, and well-tilled soil will produce the most healthy and tasty roots.
Add a bit of garden compost to the soil to make it more fertile. Use a rake to till the soil ensuring that the soil is properly loosened. Now, plant the seeds in a row about 1 inch deep and maintain a gap of at least 1 ½ inch between each one. Too many seeds scattered haphazardly will not result in proper germination.
Cover the seeds with soil and water them. After a week, you will notice some seedlings growing. To ensure that their growth is not hampered, you will need to thin them out. "Thinning out" means pulling out some seedlings that are growing too close to each other.
If there are overcrowded plants, each seedling will not receive an adequate amount of nutrients from the soil, resulting in smaller and bland-tasting vegetables. Do not over water the seedlings or they will rot. After a month or so you can harvest the radishes.
Do not let them grow for more than a month in the ground. The bulbs will become tough and leathery if they are left to overgrow.
Tender white and red roots can be sliced and eaten raw in salads or used in soups and stews. Do not throw away the leaves as the nutritional value is not limited to the roots; the leaves are rich in essential nutrients and can be used to flavor soups.
Understanding the different varieties of seeds available will help to get a good harvest. If you are new to growing vegetables, then planting radishes is a good choice to start with.