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Purple Fountain Grass

Sujata Iyer
Purple fountain grass is a popular ornamental grass among landscaping and gardening enthusiasts. Read ahead more about this plant.
Everyone uses flowering plants, bushes, shrubs, and green grass for their gardens and landscapes. How about using something different than the others? How about using something that is easy to plant, easy to maintain, and looks gorgeous too? Wondering what it is? It's fountain grass!
Among the various types of fountain grass, dwarf purple fountain grass is one of the best options you can choose. It has a beautiful appearance and can enhance the look of your landscape greatly. Read ahead to know how you can grow this grass and what all you need to do to take care of it.

Caring for Purple Fountain Grass

Scientifically known as Pennisetum setaceum, purple fountain grass is a beautiful mound-shaped plant that has a gloriously purple foliage and blooms. It is a perennial plant and can adapt well to any type of climate.
The best part of this plant is it can be used as a single plant and can also be planted along the border of a landscape or in a large number in one particular section of the landscape. All three ideas work for it because it looks amazing. It has a shape that resembles the full tail of a fox. Given here are the measures to take care of this plant.


This plant is often treated as an annual plant as it blooms once a year. The foliage is deep burgundy color and is spiky. The flowers are also spiky, but have a more prominent purple color. Once the flowers bloom and dry away, they make way for seeds on top. This ornamental grass grows up to a height of 5 feet and has a horizontal spread of around 4 feet.


Weather-wise, this is a very adjusting plant. It can tolerate sun and shade. Apart from the sun, it is also very tolerant of cold weather, and can survive in temperatures as low as 19 °F. It blooms in warm weather and dries off in winter.
Removing it or re-planting it is matter of personal choice. It is advisable to plant it in colder areas. In warmer areas, it acts as a perennial and can be left in the ground by just trimming off the brown tips of the dried plant.


As mentioned earlier, this is a very adaptable grass. So it can grow well in almost any type of soil. However, if you want to use it extensively in your gardening endeavors, then go in for well-drained soil which is very fertile. In addition to this, you may want to carry out some mulching around the plant.
Fertilize the plant within two months of planting and then, only when you feel it is necessary. Watering the plant too much is not required. Just enough water, which drains out easily, is perfect.


Purple fountain grass is one of the best options for landscaping. Apart from beautifying landscape with its vibrant and full foliage, it has one more plus point. It does not attract any pests or insects that can harm it. This keeps it clean and healthy. It is also very hardy and not really prone to disease. So it ensures a pest-free garden.
So, aren't you convinced that purple fountain grass is definitely one of the best options to try out a different look and feel for your garden or landscape? If not a full-fledged landscape, at least plant it around your home. It will render a welcoming appearance which will win the hearts of everyone visiting!