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Pretty Purple Flowers for a Magnificent Garden

Pallavi M
A garden made up of purple flowers looks very beautiful and royal. Here is a list of flowers that you can plant in this garden.
"I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice it." This is one of the quotes from the novel The Color Purple. In this story of a poor and uneducated black woman, purple stands for hope. Fields of purple tulips and delphiniums also awaken the feelings of romance and nostalgia
From the pale lilacs and wisterias to the deep, velvety shades of clematis and petunias, purple creates a wonderful symphony with the warm and cool tones in the garden. It acts as a great neutral. For those passionate about gardening, this list of purple flowers will help you create a beautiful garden.


The Aster will make a valuable addition to your garden. This perennial plant blooms from late summer till fall. It produces delicate, daisy-like blooms in purple, lavender, and pink. It grows well in average soils and can also withstand dry spells.
Smaller varieties will look good as border plants, while the larger varieties can be planted towards the back of the flowerbed.

Aubrieta Purple Cascade

A versatile, early-flowering perennial, the Purple Cascade is an excellent ground cover plant for your flower garden. It blooms between March and May and looks perfect on walls, gravel gardens, and containers.
When planted in groups, it forms a beautiful mat of gray-green foliage. It grows well in a full sun as well as partial shade. You can use it as a colorful and fragrant drape over your patio walls.

Creeping Phlox

The Phlox is famous for its rich pastel shades and distinctive fragrance. This plant grows vigorously and forms a dense-green foliage covered in star-like clear purple flowers.
It also makes a spectacular ground cover, flowering from spring to autumn. It grows well in moist organic soil. The blooms add a rich shade of purple to the garden, and announce the arrival of spring by creating intricate tapestries under shrubs and trees.


A native to Southeast Asia, the Dendrobium can stun you with its royal purple blooms. This orchid prefers shade and is an excellent houseplant. You can plant it in a pot filled with rocks, pebbles, and charcoal.


This plant blooms from early spring to late summer. Sometimes, you will even see blooms in November. Dozens of delicate purple flowers cover each spire of the plant. Some stunning varieties are Black Knight, Chelsea Star, Mighty Atom, and Bruce.
This plant is easy to grow. You can add a little wood ash if the soil is acidic. For warmer climates, mulching keeps the roots cool and moist.

Geranium-Purple Haze

"...Even God could not imagine the redness of a red geranium..." This line is from D.H. Lawrence's poem Red Geranium and Godly Mignonette.
However, the Purple Haze is the new variety of geraniums that produces stunning blooms in a bronze-purple hue. The foliage of this flower is as unique as the gorgeous violet-mauve blooms. It grows well in light, well-drained soil.


This plant produces pretty purple blooms from spring to fall. It's a native of North temperate regions, growing in deserts, swamps. Bearded, Siberian Iris are most popular types.


Lavender is a must if you want to add fragrance to your garden. It grows to a height of 2½ to 3 feet. This plant has a silver-gray foliage that is in sharp contrast to the stunning lavender-spiked flowers.
The flowers vary in shades of lavender to purple, though there are some species that produce pinkish white flowers. It is a native of the Mediterranean region, but also thrives well in other conditions. You can use it as a low-border plant or even as a foreground perennial.


Considered as the harbinger of spring, Lilac is loved for its fragrant lavender flower clusters. This plant grows up to 8 to 15 feet tall and makes excellent hedges. Some dwarf varieties reach only 3 to 4 feet in height. 
It grows well in alkaline soil having proper drainage. After it is planted, you can mulch it with a layer of pine bark. Mulching helps the soil retain water.

Purple Roses

A red rose symbolizes love and passion,  but there's some kind of mysticism related to the purple rose. Add a dramatic splash to the garden with them. Blooming throughout summer, it is an excellent shrub and hedge.
Apart from the plants mentioned here, you can also cultivate ajuga, candytuft, crocus, honesty, hyacinth, morning glory, and blue anemones for a burst of purple in early spring.

Purple Flower Bouquets

Purple wedding flowers have always been associated with royal weddings. Make a romantic statement on your wedding day with a lovely purple flower bouquet. Use maroon color flowers to deepen the overall look of your arrangement.
You can use maroon roses and deep-purple Gladiolas for an exquisite bridal flower bouquet. For an outdoor wedding, you can think of combining purple and yellow flowers. A blend of warm sunflowers and rich-purple Lupines looks perfect on a sunny day.
For a Christmas wedding, use silver or gold assents to highlight the richness of flowers like Lilacs and Clematis. Blue Vandas make beautiful and exotic bouquets when clumped with Carnations, with Wisterias trailing over the edge.