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Proper Way to Transplant a Spider Plant Cuttings

Naomi Sarah
Transferring the cuttings of your spider plant is a simple task that doesn't take up much time or require some kind of skill to perform.
The Chlorophytum or spider plant as it is commonly called, is a tropical plant that is seen in many households that are fond of its simple yet intriguing look.
The plant has thin stems that shoot out from its center, usually in alternating colors of green with a white stripe in between, or in the opposite colors. It is easy to grow and maintain, being a fuss free plant for any household plant lover to take care of.
It is important to know how to first develop these plants when in water, before transplanting them to soil laden pots to grow further and multiply in number. Severing the bonds between baby plants "spiderettes" and the parent is not necessary during transplantation.
This helps them grow better when attached to the parent, where they can be snipped off to grow independently once they come of age. Then you could use the extra plants after they mature, as giveaways for neighbors and friends.

How to Transplant Spider Plant Cuttings

As you should know, spider plants need only adequate sunlight and water to help them grow and mature, since too much of either will lead it to brown or decay. Place these a little away from your window if you get too much direct sunlight, and allow it to take as much as it wants in partial slices without you projecting it to complete sunlight exposure.
Understand when your plant is going to throw a rough patch like when its leaves are transparent and soft to the touch, where this would mean that it hasn't been placed in a warm enough area to thrive well. If leaves take a weakened and dry look, this is because it has been subjected to too much heat, and needs to be put in a cool area, with more water added.
When the tips of your spider plant turn brown this shows owners that too much sunlight is being cast on the plant. In case you have a pest problem to deal with it, you'll notice a grayish colored tint in the leaves, which can be resolved by using a good pest control spray.

Examine the Roots and Plant Your Chlorophytum Accordingly

The roots of the spider plant have to be about 3 inches long for it to be transplanted to a soil based container. The soil has to be made up of peat, which is favorable for the plants or anything that would seem idyllic for them. Do your research and find out what other kind of soil can be used as an alternative.
Transfer the spider plant along with the parent plant to the new container, which should have a drainage hole in the bottom to leak off excess water and moisture. Plant these in a nice hollow space made that is big enough to accommodate the plant, and pat it down until it is nice and firm against your palm, making it impenetrable to air.

Watering Your Spider Plant

The first two to three weeks should have the soil moist, but not entirely soaked with water to have the plant adjust to the new way of getting all its requirements. Later on, the plant needs to be watered once or twice a week only.
Once you remove the plants from water and transfer to soil based environment, it will make it easier to transplant these to other pots once they take root, as they will be mature to adjust to a new potted setting than when they were in water. Keep an eye for any discoloration so that you can make it right, before it spreads to other parts of the plant.
Nurturing spider plants is fairly simple, given the fact that you know what you are doing when they are babies. You can grow many of these at a time once the babies start to form as well, and have more than one spider plant placed in your home.
It serves as a great way to keep your home filled with something nature-esque to cleanse the air, and reins in a feeling of calm and peace when you have plant life surrounding you.