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Patio Design Ideas

Shashank Nakate
Designing a patio can be an interesting and a fun activity if you put in some hard work and creativity in it. This area of the house is a comfort zone where you can spend quality time with loved ones.
Having a patio in the backyard is nowadays becoming a need rather than a mere trend. They not only add to the beauty of the house, but also make the backyard a comfortable place for recreation, gatherings, or just having meals. It is generally constructed in the backyard as an extension to the house and is adjacent to the garden.
Furthermore, it is a nice way to extend the floor space of the house. The good thing about patios is that they offer space, fresh air, natural light, and a quiet ambiance.
Important points to be kept in mind before designing one are that it should merge with the architecture of the house and also be durable. Before one starts construction, he needs to check whether a permit is required or not.
A patio can be constructed in a rectangular shape, or the edges can be rounded off. In the olden days, it was made only from blocks of stones; however, materials like bricks, concrete, pavers, etc., are used nowadays. The stones that are available for construction are the 'natural stone' and the 'veneer stone'.

Useful Ideas for Design

The planning phase is as important as the actual designing process. One should decide beforehand the arrangements that he/she wants to have. There are many creative patio design ideas which one can implement.


To provide shade, different canopies are used. Retractable ones are used as they are portable. Various types of umbrellas used as awnings are wooden, aluminum, and offsets. They should be weatherproof, tear-resistant, and mold-resistant.
They should tilt at angles, to obstruct sunrays at different times of the day. To counter the force of blowing winds, the ribs of the umbrellas should be made of fiberglass. Wood and metal umbrellas aren't as durable in this case.


Plastic furniture is trending in designing; however, wood is the best material suited for any kind of furniture even today. If one is looking forward to use wooden furniture, teak wood is the best option. It is durable and water-resistant.


This feature is added to those homes which have an adjacent garden. Walkways, allow a look at the different beautiful features of the garden.


The look of a patio is enhanced by surrounding it with different plants. If it is surrounded by dense growth, the illusion of having more space is created. Moreover, the plants provide a clean and fresh environment.


It is also possible to install a fireplace for the patio. For this, one needs to construct a stone framework. Nowadays, specially manufactured metal fireplaces are also available.
Today's hectic lifestyle has taken a heavy toll on our mental and physical health. Thus, at the end of the day, one needs a nice and quiet place that is away from the world. So, the addition of a patio to the backyard is definitely worth the investment.