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How to Lay Patio Blocks

Aparna Jadhav
Patio blocks are the main aspects of having a patio, as they are the ones which give your outdoor a beautiful look. Read on to know more.
A patio is a wonderful addition that you can choose to make in your backyard if you are thinking of remodeling your home outdoors. It is a place where you can relax, garden, add amenities like a pool, fireplace or simply place some furniture!
Patios come in various shapes and sizes depending on the space and view of the location, and planning them in the perfect way is an important part of outdoor designing. One of the basic materials that defines your patio are the patio blocks which have to be aesthetically unique to give your home exterior an elegant look.
Therefore, we have a few ideas for these designs and a method of laying them mentioned in the coming up paragraphs. So, read on and pick the ones, that suit your home perfectly.

Installing the Blocks

Since we are talking about the basic materials used to make a patio, the blocks, let's find out what are the different types of blocks available. There are three main types, the concrete, brick and stone blocks.
Each of these have their individual properties and they are also available in a number of patterns, designs, colors and shapes, which has various uses in home decor. These shapes and designs are also related to the layout of your patios, for example, there are different shapes and sizes for patios which are circular, straight, zigzag and other designs.
The blocks used for each of these designs can also be combined with each other to come up with unique color schemes and ideas. Now that we know what are the various styles and patterns, find out how to cut blocks and lay them in any desired order.

How to Lay Blocks

Building the patio or pavers for outdoor fireplaces is not a difficult job. Thus you can do this yourself with a few tips and instructions. All you need is a good supply of materials and a day off from work! So, if you are waiting to learn how to install these blocks to either make the floor or to build a paver, read into the coming up paragraphs.

Materials Required

  • Patio Blocks
  • Landscape fabric
  • Sand
  • Tamp
  • Crushed Stone
  • Shovel
  • Strings and Stakes


  • Before you start installing blocks for the patio and fire pits, you need to measure the area where you want to make the construction. This is so that you get an estimate of material needed and you have a plan. You can use the strings and stakes for this purpose.
  • When you have measured the area, make sure you use the blocks which are of an appropriate size, so that you can avoid cutting the blocks. Even though you can cut blocks, it is not advised as this can lead to their chipping and damage.
  • The next main step, in is to start digging about 5 inches deep as the other layers will need space for accommodation. These layers are 2 inches of crushed stone and 1½ inch of sand. These two layers will be followed with the blocks that are built on 2 inches of depth.
  • After you layer down first two layers, you can flatten the ground with a shovel. Thumping will be needed as in small areas, where the sand needs to be flat, the shovel doesn't work.
  • Then place the landscape fabrics so that the sand and stone is leveled properly and the overall look is uniform and neat. Don't use your feet for leveling.
  • Finally, keep the blocks, straight on the sand very carefully without disturbing the leveling made. The blocks can be combined with bricks in areas where the sizes of the blocks are unfavorable. Tamp these bricks so that they fit, before installing them, and fill the crevices with extra sand. You can also add some water to cement the entire paver, neatly.
With these steps and ideas for installing these blocks, you must be convinced that you can make a patio all by yourself. So, go ahead and change the look of your backyard by adding a graceful patio to it!