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Outdoor Accent Lighting

Kulbhushaan Raghuvanshi
Accent lighting is a type of directional lighting which highlights a particular object or draws attention to a particular area.
Outdoor accent lighting is designed for enhancing a property or an object and can be used for security reasons. It is as necessary as home lighting. It can be used for overall security of a big company, municipal parks, institutions, your bungalow, or even on the roads. The important architectural elements of a house can be highlighted through it.


► Outdoor Lighting of your lawn can be magnificent, if it is planned in advance or guidance is sought through a professional.

► Use low voltage ones i.e. using 12 volt bulbs instead of 120 volts, and install landscape ones in your lawn. They can be installed by anyone, just read the directions given on the instructional manual of the kit.
► Solar bulbs are new in the market, but have grown popular quickly as they have no maintenance cost. Solar bulbs can also be used to lighten your lawn, pool, and driveway. They don't require any electricity, as they charge themselves during daytime and then give light at night.
► Most commercial buildings have a unique design, and you can spot them from the surrounding buildings. Outdoor accent lighting can highlight the structure of the building in an effective way.
► Any corporation or a municipal park which has more than one building, have walkways connecting them. They can be brightened up with this lighting. Even rope and path lights are an excellent idea.
► Trees can be decorated with mercury vapor decorative lights. These can be attached to the branches and different colors of artificial moonlight can be created.


► Most lighting systems are available in kits that also include the instructions given for the set up.

► If you want to include more lights, you must have components, such as transformers and cables that match the type you want to install.
► The transformer may be available with a manual switch or with a timer or a solar cell.

► The transformer should be 1 foot off the ground and only 1 foot away from the source of outlet.
► If you buy a solar cell transformer, make sure it receives enough sunlight to get it charged. The transformers should always be covered by a weather proof cover available in supermarkets.
► The more number of lights you install, the longer the cable would be required. Check the instructions available in the kit. Buy a cable which has a higher resistance.

► Always use press-on connectors which fit in the cable easily. If you want the connectors to last long, buy weather proof ones.
► Always maintain equal distances between the lights, as it causes less resistance.

► Now try to switch on the lights; you can increase or decrease them as per your preference.

► The cables should be buried six inches down to avoid any damage to them. Our advice is to call up the utilities so that they can point out the right spots to bury the cables.

LED Lighting

Landscape lighting is an important part of outdoor design which should always be taken care of. Every lawn of a house is unique in its own way, but giving them a proper LED (light emitting diode) landscape lighting can offer you many benefits.
► Landscape lighting is basically done for decorative and security purposes. Safety and visibility are its two key factors. LED lights can provide you desired level of visibility in your lawn. They are also available in a range of colors and designs.
► They have a longer life than many other lights. Research has shown that they are 80% more efficient than other lights. They also save a huge amount of energy, which is indirectly saving you money. They are one of the greenest lights available because they consume less power and produce far less waste.
► The two types of LED bulbs available in the market are solar and 12 volt bulbs. The 12 volt bulbs are difficult to install because they require cables and transformers; while the solar bulbs can be installed anywhere, but they should get enough sunlight during the day to get charged.
Try to use solar bulbs wherever possible. We agree it costs a little more but the results are fruitful. The only cost incurred is the buying cost, and after that there is no expenditure giving you years of clean energy.

We hope that the mentioned details have given you enough information on how to install outdoor lighting and make your lawn glow with lights.