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Mediterranean Fan Palm

Megha Tiwari
Mediterranean Fan palm is a drought-tolerant and hardy variety of palm. Read next to know more about this amazing shrub.
Chamaerops humilis is the scientific name of Mediterranean Fan Palm. It is also known as the European Fan palm. This little green palm is very attractive, and has gained immense popularity due to its amazing characteristics. Gardeners have chosen this to add tropical flare to their landscape.
The trees belong to Palmae family, that have large pinnate leaves symmetrically crowned on its unbranched trunks. It is a shrub with many stems growing out of a single base. These palms occur naturally mostly in areas like Hyères les palmiers, Mediterranean coast, and Capraia island.


These trees grow to a height of fifteen inches in the form of clumps. The leaves are triangular and 'fan-shaped', and twenty four inches wide. The colors of the leaves vary from blue, gray, green, to yellow. As the plant matures, the main trunk is surrounded by multiple trunks. Their growth rate is very slow.
It grows about six inches every year by proper care and feeding. The occurrence of these hardy trees is found all over the Mediterranean mountain region at the height of about 3,000 feet. The height of this palm is 8-18 feet, and spreads for 6-10 feet. It has moderate density with a fine texture. Some general information of this palm is given further.

General Information

Scientific Name : Chamaerops humilis
Common Name : European Fan Palm
Family : Palmae
Plant Type : Tree, Shrub
USDA Hardiness Zones : 8 to 11
Planting Month for Zone 8 : Year Round
Planting Month for Zone 9 : Year Round
Planting Month for Zone 10 and 11 : Year Round
Availability : Areas within its hardiness range
Other than these things, this tree grows well in a condition of part shade and part sun. The soil required to culture these trees can be alkaline or acidic, and clay or sand.
The plants should be grown with the gap of 36-60 inches so that they do not hinder each others' growth. The fruits are round and brown, with a hard and dry cover. This plant has high drought tolerance, so it can be grown even in dry and hot desert regions.

Tree Care

As we already know, this tree requires full or partial exposure to the sunlight. Water should be given regularly in summers and less in winters. The root balls should not dry out, but also make sure that it is not loaded with excess of water. The soil should be well drained and fertile. Repot the tree after a gap of 2-3 years.
The palm should be regularly fed with fertilizers during its growing period, while no fertilizers are required in winters.
Pruning this palm is a must to preserve its fresh and attractive look. To give it a look of a beautiful specimen plant, the leaves should be trimmed to clear the trunk. Remove the brown and tatty leaves from the bottom.
If you wish to see images of what these trees look like, you can go on the Internet to get an idea. You can even get the information where you can purchase them from the nursery from your local garden stores, or from the Internet as well.
The European Fan Palm has become popular mostly because of its cold hardiness and drought resistance quality. They look wonderful when grown beneath taller palm trees or live oaks. Containers and urns are best for growing these palms at first. They can bring a tropical look to your landscape if that is what you are looking for.