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Marigold Flowers

Shashank Nakate
A short account of the types of marigold flowers and benefits offered by them is presented ahead.
Marigold flowers belong to a variety of genera, and come from different regions of the world. The genus, Tagetes is the super class used to group together all the species categorized as common marigold. A total of 50 annual and perennial species are included under this genus.
These herbaceous plants belong to the families Compositae and Asteraceae. These flowers can be found around the globe; however, they are native to the continents of South America and North America.

Facts about Marigold Flowers

Common Marigold

The flowers produced by the common marigold vary in color, and one can find yellow, orange, golden as well as white blooms. The diameter of floral heads range from 4 to 6 cm. Florets are of two types, i.e., either disc or ray florets.

Pot Marigold

With 12 to 20 species, Calendula are called pot marigolds. These flowers are of orange and yellow colors. They look like daisies. Earlier, these were used for cooking and due to the use of blooms for cooking that they are called pot marigolds.

Tree Marigold

Tree marigolds are known by different names, like Mexican sunflower, Mexican tournesol, and Nitobe chrysanthemum. The botanical name of this flower is Tithonia diversifolia. By the end of Meiji Period, import of this flowering plant had started in Japan. Blooms of this marigold resemble sunflowers and possess orange color.


The blooming season of marigolds extend from mid-summer through to the winter. Marigold plants grow well in light conditions ranging from bright sunny to partial shady. Propagation is carried out by means of seeds; these plants are cultivated outdoors as well as in containers.
The seeds have to be covered with light soil just after sowing and watered thoroughly. Transplanting of this flowering plant is done after the last frost date.

Medicinal Uses

Marigolds are used for ornamental as well as medicinal purposes. The tree marigold described above, has many applications in the field of medicine. In Taiwan, it is used as a herbal medicine. It finds use in improvement of the functioning of liver. The flower is also used in the treatment of bone fractures, sprains, contusions, etc.
Marigolds which belong to the genus Calendula are used in aromatherapy. In aromatherapy, health problems that are dealt with include scars, eczema, rashes, cracked skin, viral infections, and inflammation. Seeds of marigold are used in the treatment of a variety of health problems including stomach cramps, insomnia, cancer, etc.
Traditional and modern medical practitioners reiterate the importance of marigold in medicine. Marigolds are used to prepare tonics, expectorants, diuretics. The juices from these flowers are used to treat snakebites. Alcoholic extracts of marigold are known to have antibiotic properties. The pathogenic bacteria and fungi can be treated with these extracts.
Marigold, with their bright and attractive shades, are considered good for ornamental purposes as well. However, these flowers are mostly known for their medicinal properties.