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Maple Tree Care

Megha Tiwari
Just like it is for the other trees, appropriate care is a must for the proper growth of maple trees as well. It not only aids in the growth of the tree, but also keeps the tree disease-free. Read on for hands-on information about how to care for them.
Maple tree is one of the most popular deciduous trees in the United States, especially in the north. There are many types that you can choose from. Also, these trees can be classified according to the different climatic and soil conditions they thrive in.
Essential care is a must for any tree variety that you choose for your landscape. If the tree is planted in an appropriate place and in the right kind of soil, it might grow up to twenty feet. The most appealing feature of this tree is its foliage which is crimson in the beginning, but later acquires a dark green color.
The tree is also popular because of its many benefits like sugar can be made out of the tree sap, furniture can be made from maple wood, and whips from young maple shoots. They can even tolerate shears, so are an excellent choice as hedges for the landscape.

Soil Requirements

The most important thing required for the tree is healthy soil. The soil not only determines the nutrient value of the plant, but is also essential to see how efficient the plant is in extracting nutrients from the soil. The soil can be improved by adding external beneficial nutrients like fertilizers to avoid fungus attacks that take away all the nutrients.
The fertilizers used for the soil are different from those used in general, which are not used because they contain nitrogen in large proportions and it does not contribute to the growth of the tree. The excess nitrogen present in the soil might harm the trees over time.
Fertilizers with lesser nitrogen content, that enhance root development, and are disease-resistant should only be used. Watering is also a must for the healthy growth of these trees.
In general, every variety of these trees needs well-drained soil. They should be fed with water once the soil is dried to avoid decay. You should water the trees weekly. Other than fertilizers and watering, timely pruning and trimming are essential part of caring.


Pruning is essential to control the growth of the plant and to maintain its shape. Pruning trees encourages the growth of foliage, flowers, and fruits. It also involves removal of the diseased section of the plant. The best time to prune is late spring.
The tree should not be pruned more than fifteen percent in a year. Little twigs can be removed from the stem so that the tree can invest its energy in the already growing branches. Sometimes, it is recommended to remove the branches that are live so that sunlight could easily penetrate and also allow better circulation of air inside the canopy.
The removal of diseased branches also reduces the chances of the infection spreading further. The trimming should be done by cutting the branches above the point where it comes out from the trunk. Remove the secondary shoots anywhere on the trunk or on the ground. Trim after every two years for new growth.

Japanese Maple Trees

One of the most popular species, the red and green foliage in spring and autumn on this species, make it a very special part of the plant kingdom. They can be grown from the seed very easily. While planting the trees certain things that should be considered.
Firstly, choose a location that has partial sunlight; it helps the leaves attain their crimson color. Next, water the tree every time the soil becomes dry to avoid decay of roots. Apart from sunlight and water, pruning it is an equally essential part. The average height of this tree is 20 feet and if cared properly, they can be companions for years.

Red Maple Trees

This tree is a decorative maple and when pruned and trimmed properly, looks stunning as the border of a landscape. The height of this tree is about 40 to 60 feet. The top of the tree is either rounded or oval in shape.
The growth of red maple is much faster than sugar maple, but slower than the silver maple. They grow well in full sun as well as in shade, and easily adapt themselves to the surroundings. Its flowering period makes it a beautiful ornamental tree for landscaping.

Sugar Maple Trees

This tree is known as the state tree of New York. Even the maple syrup is extracted from the sugar maple itself. This tree has an amazing height, the average height of a matured tree is 70 to 90 feet. They require well-drained soil and partial sunlight for full growth.
Irrespective of the varieties that you are planning to grow in your landscape, proper care that begins right from planting to pruning is essential to keep maple tree diseases at bay. Proper care will enable your tree to grow well and beautify your garden and surroundings.