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Types of Lawn Grass You Didn't Know About

Shashank Nakate
The most important types of lawn grasses include zoysia and bermuda. Apart from these, a few other types are also enlisted here.
The lawn is an area which is planted with grasses of different types. Grasses do not grow very high and are, therefore, suitable for gardening purpose. There are different lawn grass types being used in gardens.
Grass for lawns need to be chosen on the basis of their ability to survive in a particular region. The water requirements are also taken into account.

Warm Season Lawn Grass

Here are examples of few warm season grasses. Most of these are drought tolerant; these plants attain a healthy growth in a well-drained soils.


The bahia grass can be grown in variety of soil types ranging from clay, sandy, to even infertile ones; however, soils with a high pH are not recommended. This lawn grass is resistant to insect and pest attacks. The grass attains vigorous growth in quick time and its roots grow to a depth of about 8 inches.
It grows well in humid areas with ample sunlight. Anything in excess, be it fertilization or watering, affects the growth of bahia. The bahia can be grown with seeds as well sods.

Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass is commonly used in home lawns. This type of grass is found in over 100 countries. It has a medium texture, is drought tolerant, and requires direct sunlight for healthy growth.
Planting of the bermuda grass is carried out with the help of sod, seed, sprigs, or plugs. Pests that affect bermuda grass include sod webworms, mole crickets, and armyworms. Dollar spot and dead spot are the common diseases.

Zoysia Grass

Named after an Austrian botanist, Karl von Zois, the zoysia is a warm season grass which is drought tolerant. The grass is native to Southeast Asian countries, like Japan and China. Since, this grass was brought to the United States from Manila, is also known as Manila grass.
It grows well in soils with proper drainage. The zoysiagrass has a root system that goes deep into the soil. Different varieties include the Korean Lawn grass, Manila grass, Meyer Zoysiagrass, Belaire Zoysiagrass, Emerald Zoysiagrass, Cashmere Zoysiagrass and El Toro Zoysiagrass.

Cool Season Grasses

Cool season grasses have higher water requirements. Most of these plants are shade loving and also need to be fertilized regularly. Let us have a look at the important cool season varieties of lawn grasses.

Kentucky Bluegrass

Kentucky Bluegrass is known for producing a high quality lawn. This lawn grass is characterized by a moderate growth pattern and is known to spread and fill bare spots. It is recommended for cooler climates, and conditions like dry weather results into the plant going dormant.
Kentucky bluegrass has a shallow root system. It cannot grow properly in shady areas. Planting is done with sod or seed. Regular fertilization and watering keeps the plant healthy.

Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial ryegrass flourishes in cool and moist conditions where temperatures don't go to the extremes. The northern states of USA are considered to be the best for growing perennial ryegrass. This grass type grows rapidly in the spring and therefore, should be mowed twice a week.
The needs of fertilization, mowing, and watering are quite high for perennial ryegrass. Planting is carried out with seeds. The grass is fairly tolerant to shade.

Creeping Bentgrass

This type is known to spread with a profuse growth of creeping stolons. Creeping bentgrass creates a dense mat of leaves which are smooth on the upper side, while the lower side is ridged. The specialty of creeping bentgrass is that, it can tolerate mowing which is close to the ground. Roots of the creeping bentgrass are shallow.
The types of lawn grass described here should give basic information about the different species being used.