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Jasmine Plant

Sonia Nair
Jasmine plants are popular for their uniquely fragrant flowers. Go through this article for a brief overview about these plants.
Native to some of the tropical regions of the world, jasmine plants belong to the genus Jasminum and family Oleaceae. There are around 200 species of these plants in this genus, and most of them are vines. You may find some shrubs too. These plants are originally from Asia, Africa, and Europe.
They are mostly found to grow in regions with a warm temperate climate. It is believed that the term jasmine is derived from the Persian word 'yasmin', which means 'gift from God'. They are widely grown as houseplants, and are often seen as climbers.


The jasmine plant is commercially cultivated in many parts of the world, for its flowers, which are used for making garlands and for flavoring tea. They are also used in perfumes and soaps, in Ayurvedic medicines and for making essential oil.
True jasmine plants belong to the family Oleaceae, and are found as shrubs or vines. The leaves are mostly simple, trifoliate, or pinnate, with 5 to 9 leaflets. The flowers are tubular with five to six lobes. The stems of the plant are slender and trailing.
Some species have four-sided stems. Most of these plants produce white flowers, but some varieties have cream and yellow flowers too. The size and shape of the flowers can vary with the species. For example, Jasminium sambac produces clustered flowers. Usually, jasmine plants bloom in summer and fall.
Some of the popular jasmine plant varieties are given below:
• Common jasmine that produces white flowers
• Winter jasmine with yellow flowers
• Arabian jasmine, which is used in jasmine tea
• South African jasmine with unscented white flowers
• Italian jasmine with clusters of yellow flowers
• Primrose jasmine (shrub) with yellow unscented flowers
• Spanish Jasmine with fragrant white flowers
• Downy Jasmine with clustered and scented white flowers

How to Grow Jasmine Plants

Plant jasmine during summers. Usually, stem cuttings are used for this purpose. You need well-drained, moist soil, and full sun (or partial shade) for planting jasmine. The plant must get at least four to five hours of full sun, for a healthy growth. If you want to grow more than one plant, leave a distance of at least eight feet between them.
If you are growing jasmine vines, provide them with a fence, post, or trellis. While watering is necessary in summer, only mild fertilizers have to be applied during spring. During other seasons, watering can be done once in every ten days.
Weeding and fertilizing should be a part of regular jasmine plant care. However, fertilizers with phosphorous and potassium have to be applied twice, every year. Prune them during early spring.
If you don't have a jasmine plant in your garden; get one from a nearby nursery, and make your garden fragrant.