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Indoor Palm Tree Care

Madhumita Shivade
If you ever decide to give the interior of your house a tropical look, opting for palm trees is a great idea. Read ahead to know more.
Palm trees are typically tropical plants and growing them indoor can sometimes be a challenging task, especially in the cooler regions. The kentia and parlor palms are the most popular types. Some varieties are the Areca Palm, Bamboo Palm, Lady Palm, Majesty Palm, Pygmy Date Palm, Sago Palm.
Most palms prefer bright light but might not tolerate shade and that is why they cannot be kept indoors. To grow healthy indoor palms, it is necessary to give them a perfect position to grow, good soil, adequate water, fertilization, and a tropical temperature.

Caring Instructions


Though the palms are tropical plants, they do not like direct sun.
Humidity does make them joyous but you can keep them in partial shade. Keep them near the windows, or at places where they can get sunlight and make sure they are not exposed to direct sunlight. Also, placing them near the windows is one of the options. You can also add some amount of mulch that will nourish the roots.


There is a misconception that being tropical plants, palm are water plants. As the palms are the plants of the tropical side, they need soil which can drain water the best. They do not like heavy soil, and prefer one having a sandy mixture.
Mixing equal amounts of peat moss and sand is recommended, as they hold moisture and the water is well-drained. Feed the soil with fertilizers during the growing season.


Improper fertilization and lack of nutrients causes some of the common problems to palm trees. They do not need bountiful fertilizers as they are in low light, less heat, low humidity and have somewhat cramped roots.
Over fertilization might burn the roots of these palms. At your local nursery you can ask for fertilizers suitable for the variety you have or you can even use homemade fertilizers. Other care tips include weeding and trimming.


If they are planted in soil that can easily drain water, watering them regularly is not an issue. A careless schedule of watering might make the palms weak and slow down their growth.
The more water the palm gets, the faster it grows. But if the soil has poor draining properties, or it is soggy, the water might not drain leading to rotting of the roots.
It is necessary to leach the palms once in 3 months, as tap water containing salts can precipitate in the soil, thereby damaging the roots. You can place a pan under your potted palm and empty it once the water from the soil is drained completely. Make sure that the root ball is not sitting in water as this might damage the root.

Artificial Varieties

Nowadays, there are many artificial plants that are also used as house décor. There is not much maintenance like watering, fertilizing, or any other care that has to be taken for these plastic plants except for cleaning the dust sitting on them.
These plants also look just like the real ones. You can have indoor as well as outdoor artificial palm trees. These trees are easy to maintain. They can be easily moved and placed wherever.