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How to Repair a Sprinkler System

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
For healthy maintenance of your lawn grass throughout the year, it is essential to keep the sprinkler system in a proper working condition. In case your system is not working, then try these troubleshooting tips before you opt to replace it.
A sprinkler system is a basic necessity to maintain a lustrous green lawn. Though there are other irrigation models, almost all landscaping enthusiasts prefer installing a lawn sprinkler system to water the lawn.
 In fact, uniform and regular watering of the lawn is easier with a sprinkler system; once installed correctly, you just have to switch on the system to irrigate the lawn or garden.
A sprinkler system comprises piping, plumbing components, and control fittings. The pipes are connected to the water source by means of a plumbing system, while controllers regulate the openings and closings of the valves to supply water as per the set schedule.
Similar to any other garden tool or machinery, a sprinkler system may become less efficient over a period of time. In case of minor malfunctions, the system cam be repaired, and there is no need to opt for a new system.

Repairing a Sprinkler System

The methodology to restore the unit depends on the type of the machinery, whether it is an in-ground sprinkler or hose-end sprinkler. Also, the level of mechanization is to be considered while fixing the sprinklers. Some of these gardening units are fully automated, while others are semi-automated, requiring user attention for operating the unit.

Sprinkler Head Repair

One of the most common problems with sprinkler systems is damage to the sprinkler head while mowing the lawn. For sprinkler head repair, dig the soil around the damaged head and unscrew the nuts that fasten the head.
While doing so, retain the riser in its original position. Also take care that no dust or grass debris gets into the sprinkler head, otherwise it may lead to blockage of the water flow. Fit a new sprinkler head and screw it down to the riser. Check whether the new sprinkler head is functioning or not before covering it.

Sprinkler Riser Repair

In case there is any problem in the sprinkler riser, dig the soil surrounding the sprinkler head and remove the head by unscrewing the nuts that hold it. Take off the riser as much as possible by using a nipple extractor.
For any traces of tough riser, you can use pliers to remove them. Then mount the new riser in the sprinkler system. Ensure that no debris enter the system while repairing the sprinkler riser. Fasten the sprinkler head to the riser and check the working of the new riser.

Main Line Repair

Another possible reason for sprinkler system malfunctioning is a break in the main line, which may happen during lawn aeration. Prior to shutting off the water source, examine the defect location in the main line.
Dig up the soil in the area to reach the pipe, also make sure to dig up the sides of the pipe. Following this, straight cut the damaged portion and position expansion repair coupling on the main line.
Once you cut the pipe and place the coupler, clear the dirt from the piping and apply PVC blue glue to join the broken ends of the pipe. Allow the glue to dry for 10-15 minutes and check water leakage by switching on the main line. In case everything works out fine, cover the hole.
Following these simple methods can help you fix the sprinklers and continue your normal lawn care tips. Repairing sprinklers is quite easy, if you identify the problem correctly.
In order to minimize sprinkler system malfunctions, it is always better to perform regular servicing as instructed by the manufacturer. Refer to the user manual provided with the sprinkler system to clean and maintain the unit on a regular basis.