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How to Kill Wasps Naturally

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Wasps become a nuisance when they build their nest near your house, and sting passersby. Learn how to kill wasps naturally instead of using commercial pesticides.
Summer, when most of us prefer to spend quality time outdoors, is the peak time for wasps. The issues of concern, in case of these double-winged insects, are their stingers.
Their stings are very painful, causing redness, swelling, and similar skin irritation symptoms. Except for this, they are generally beneficial insects, used for biological pest control.
Wasp nests, when built at a location where they cause harm to the residents, are causes of worry for homeowners. If you are worried about wasp nests in the house, follow environment-friendly tips to get rid of them.
Kindly note that you do not have to spray hazardous chemicals which remain in the environment for a longer period of time. Here are effectual ways on how to kill wasps and bees naturally, without pesticide application:

Seal Entry Points

The first step towards controlling wasp infestation is sealing the entrance points, and preventing their entry inside the house. The commonly found yellow wasps build their nest under the ground.
Check for presence of holes in the yard or garden, from which they come and go. Locate the wasp nests in and around the house, mark them, and proceed with natural insect control methods.

Prepare Soap Solution

The most effective tip to get rid of wasps is spraying soap water. In a mop bucket, mix 4 tablespoons of regular dish soap in 1½ quarts of water. You can splash this solution in the nest, directly from the mop bucket. Wearing protective clothing and gears, keep safe distance from the nest. Slosh the soapy water into it all at once, and quickly step back.

Spray Kerosene or Diesel

Another effective remedy is to pour kerosene or diesel in the wasp nest at night. Fill the liquid in a kid's super-soaker water gun, and spray in the correct direction. This method works best if you are quick enough to spray maximum solution, and retract as soon as possible. Failure to do so may increase the risk for wasp attacks.

Use Homemade Wasp Traps

For this, you will need:
  1. a water bottle (preferably with a narrow neck)
  2. soap solution (or kerosene)
  3. fruit jam
  4. sticky tape
This procedure of setting traps for wasps is very common.
  • Start with removing the lid, and cutting the bottle along the line where it starts narrowing. Now you have two parts: the funnel-like one and the lower one.
  • Put some sweet bait in the bottle neck.
  • Place this bottle neck over the larger part, in an upside down position.
  • Secure the neck with tape, and fill the lower portion with kerosene or soap solution.
  • Place this trap bottle near the nest, to lure the wasps.

Safety Precautions

  • Follow these remedies at night, when the wasps have poor vision.
  • In low temperatures as well, they remain inactive, and can hardly fly.
  • Remember all types of wasps can sting and cause painful skin symptoms. So, you should wear safety clothing (full-sleeved shirts, full length pants, socks, shoes) and gear (cap, goggles, and gloves) while approaching them.
It is advised to kill wasps and bees only when you really need to or when they are unmanageable. Otherwise, they are very beneficial to the environment, and prey on destructive plant pests.
Use chemical-based insecticides and repellents only if natural approaches fail to show quick results. If the wasp colony is big, do not take any risks. Instead, contact a professional pest control service.