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How to Clear Cloudy Pool Water

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
For almost all pool owners, cloudiness of water and chemical imbalance are common problems. Follow the tips given here on how to clear cloudy pool water, and maintain its sparkling blue quality.
Anyone would love owning a lavish swimming pool in the backyard, with special settings. However installing it is not so easy and requires lot of manpower, time and money. After all the efforts, seeing cloudy water adds to the frustration. There are few effective ways to clear cloudy pool water, which you can follow to keep a clean, transparent water quality.


As pools are open water structures, they are exposed to environmental dust, dirt, pollens, etc., just like other stagnant water bodies. The result is dirty, cloudy, or colored water. Before implementing the methods to fix this problem, figure out the main causing agents.
In most of the cases, the pool water becomes cloudy due to increased amount of suspended particles, chemical imbalance, filter malfunction, pump defect, and reduced chlorine levels.

How to Clear Cloudy Pool Water Fast

If the water appears dull in spite of using chlorine or bromine, it is quite likely that the chemical balance is disturbed. In fact, maintaining clear swimming pool water is easier said than done. However, with correct maintenance tips and simple remedies, you can definitely have sparking blue water. Given are some ways to get rid of cloudy pool water.
The first step is to rule out the probable reasons for cloudiness. If you have left the pool unused for a long time, there is no doubt that environmental pollutants are the prime causes. Also, recall when you last checked your pool water filter and pump.
For confirmation, you need to check the chemical balance of the pool water, especially chlorine level (ideally 1-3 ppm), water pH (preferably 7.2-7.6), and calcium hardness (ideally 200-350 ppm). Low chlorine, high pH, and increased calcium level may be causing the problem.
The actual steps start with identification of the causal factors. Adjust the chemicals, and try to balance according to your findings. Remember to run the filter system to remove suspended particles.
Regularly check the chemical levels, and do the needful for 2-3 consecutive days, until the results are optimal. If the chemical levels are balanced, and you still notice cloudiness, the problem is with the fine, suspended impurities.
Clean the filter system, and check if it is working fine. If the filter system is not effective enough to separate out fine debris completely, consider backwash by following the manufacturer's guidelines.
By now, you have tried every possible remedy from your side. In case, the water conditions remain the same, try using a commercial pool water clarifier and flocculent. Strictly follow the dosage and usage guidelines mentioned in the product leaflet.
Last but not the least, do not forget to clean the sides and bottom of the pool. A dirty bottom, or unclean sides contribute to cloudiness of pool water. Clean with a pool brush, and finish with vacuuming.
So, isn't clearing cloudy pool water easy? Keep the pump and filter system running for the next 24-48 hours. Most probably, you will get good results with the swimming pool maintenance tips. If they don't work, call a professional to fix the problem. Do not leave the water untreated for long or it may cause overgrowth of algae, bacteria and other microbes.