If you stay in a place which is usually frequented by heavy rain, then adding a drainage to your backyard could be an imperative thing to do. Here are some DIY tips to help with the job.
A spacious backyard is something every house owner wishes to have around his/her house. And having the place filled with various plants, shrubs and trees, makes the view all the more warming and pleasant.
But this feeling may not remain the same once it starts raining cats and dogs, as it causes the backyard to become flooded. And this is not a minor issue which can be ignored, as the flood destroys small plants, and makes the area look like a large puddle.
Not only this, the surface may become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. And once the rain is over, the sun dries out the soil, making it barren and no more suitable for the plants. So one smart way to counter this problem is to give a good drainage system to the area.
A Few Simple Tips on Adding Drainage To Your Backyard
Tools Required
☭ A spade or shovel ☭ Fragments of rocks and pebbles (gravel; preferably should be larger and washed) ☭ A drain pipe that is perforated (4 inch) ☭ Pipe wrap
» The first thing that you have to do is to look for two spots in your backyard - the highest and the lowest. Between these two spots, would be the route through which the drainage will extend.
Now it is up to you to decide the route, and when you do, mark it with chalk powder or the like. Constructing the drainage 4-6 feet away from the foundation, is better for protecting the house from water.
» Now using a spade, dig a trench along the path that you have marked as the drainage route. It is better to keep the trench to about 0.5 feet (6 inches) wide, and 2 feet (24 inches) deep. While digging the trench if you have to cut away the sod, then put it to one side.
Ensure that the trench is consistent all the way, and follows a downward slope, till the edge of your property. Once done with it, just press the soil at the bottom with the trench with your palm, so that it remains compact.
» Now it is time to make use of the fragments of rocks and pebbles. Fill the bottom of the trench with about 2 inches of gravel. Ensure that these stuffs are distributed evenly all along the trench lest an irregular area of depth may occur.
» In this step, place the pipe wrap on the layer of the gravel, along the entire way of the trench. The purpose of this material is to keep the holes in the perforated pipe from getting blocked by sand and mud.
» Here, you would be placing the perforated pipe, with its holes facing downwards, that is, towards the gravel. Now cover the pipe with the pipe wrap.
The reason of placing the pipe in such as way is because of the nature of the water table. It always builds from the bottom to the top of the soil thus, making it easier for the water to entire the pipe through its perforated surface. And if the holes in the pipe are pointing upwards then, it is most likely that the holes would get clogged by the gravel.
» Finally, fill the trench with the rest of the gravel, almost to the top. You can use the spade to make the gravel compact. Leave about an inch on the top, so that the sod can be placed to cover the gravel. And voila! You are done with the drainage!
You can also make use of colored stones or large stepping stones to create a walkway over the installed drainage. Also, to avoid damage to any underground utilities, it is better to get the permission from the local municipal body, before installing any drainage in your backyard or any other area of your house.