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Growing Lemongrass From Seed

Need some lemongrass but all you have are seeds? Well then we'll tell you how to go about the whole process here. If you need more details about the same, keep reading.
Rujuta Borkar
There is hardly a plant as aromatic as Lemongrass. A simple crushing of a leaf and you'll see the sweet-tangy aroma that it leaves for you (But don't run your hand over the leaf cause it can cut your hand). For those of you who aren't aware, lemon grass is a very popular component in Asian countries.
It is used as an addition to teas and soups as well as makes for one of the key ingredients in balms and the like. With so much to offer, it's screaming right there for you - You need to grow this lemon grass for yourself.
While one of the methods is to grow it by directly planting stems into the ground, not everyone can get that done because they have no access to the plant, let alone the stems. Then what's to be done?
Use seeds. Yes, it will take some time, but you can monitor exactly how it progresses and make sure that it comes out perfectly well. So you have no idea how to go about growing lemongrass from seed, right? These are the steps involved in the same.

How to Grow Lemongrass from Seed

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) cannot survive in colder regions because it is a native of tropical countries like India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. So this needs to be factored in when growing the plant. But rest assured, it can still be made a part of your garden or plant collection. Let's give you some important tips to grow lemongrass from seed.

Step 1 - Buy the Seeds

The first step is to buy the seeds. These are readily available in the Asian markets and you can buy them from there. Unless you know someone who already has a stalk and can give you some of the same.

Step 2 - Preparing the Tray

In case you stay in a place that is cold, then the best time for you to grow it outdoors is through January to March. Or else you can easily grow it indoors and then shift it out. How to go about doing this?
There are ways to grow lemongrass from seed in the right way. Use a tray and fill it with soil that has been mixed with peat moss and a little fertilizer. Water the soil so that it is sufficiently moist.

Step 3 - Outdoor Soil Properties

If you are planting the seeds in the outdoors, it is easy for you as well because the lemongrass plant thrives in almost any soil conditions. It can be a little acidic as well. Just make sure that the soil is moist and add a little fertilizer as well.

Step 4 - Planting the Seeds

The seeds can be planted directly into the soil with 2-3 inches space between each seed. The plant grows into a bushy shrub and requires space to grow out. 

Step 5 - Location

When it comes to growing lemongrass from seed, the quality of sunlight also becomes very important for the proper growth of the plant. The plant does well in full sunlight and can tolerate partial shade as well.
If you've grown the stalks indoors, then there has to be enough care taken to see that the plants acclimatize to the outdoors instead of directly shifting them out. Start with partial sunlight and then direct.

Step 6 - Covering with Plastic

If the seeds have been grown in a tray, once the seeds are planted, the tray can be covered with a plastic bag so that there is enough moisture and humidity created. Do not forget to lightly brush the soil with water. When the plants stalks to sprout, they can be shifted into individual pots and kept under full sunlight.

Step 7 - Watering the Plants

Water is a very important aspect when it comes to growing lemongrass from seed. The plant needs lots of water, thus it has to be made sure that the soil is always moist but not water logged.
During summer, keep checking if the soil has become dry and water the roots and mist the leaves. Once the stalks grow out, you can easily cut them a little above the base and use it in your cooking. Some people even cut the stalks and then freeze them in air tight plastic bags, the flavor lasts for months together. But it is better to use fresh stalks.
Now that you know just how to get that lemon grass growing well and strong, you can get to it soon and have a stalk ready for anytime you want. After all, with so many benefits of lemongrass why wouldn't one want to?