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Green Ash Tree

Aparna Jadhav
The Green Ash tree is a native to eastern and central North America. The following section lists some facts about this tree.
The Fraxinus pennsylvanica, more commonly known as Green Ash, is a deciduous tree. It is medium-sized and grows up to a height of 60 feet with a trunk that has a 45 inch diameter. 
It is considered to be a part of the Olive family. It was thought to be a variety of the Red Ash tree, but a few distinguishing features were observed among the two specimens. This tree grows very fast and doesn't need specialized growth requirements.

Important Facts

The Green Ash has long pinnately compound leaves, inconspicuous flowers which use wind pollination for reproduction, and long slender fruits with a single seed. It is also one of those trees which can adapt to any climatic, soil, and temperature conditions. It is used for landscaping purposes, as it looks very beautiful during spring when its leaves redden.


This tree is a moderately growing tree, with a height of 60 ft, and one single central trunk which is 45 inches wide and has upright branches growing from it. Its form is round in shape but can look ovular because of the branch growth.
However, when the branches are fully grown, they tend to droop lower to the ground. This makes the ends point upward, giving the tree a slightly irregular and dense look.


The leaves are shiny, 15 to 30 cm long, and consist of about 7 to 9 leaflets. They are broad and have serrate margins as their nature is pinnately compound.
The bark is gray and smooth when younger, but becomes rough and develops fishers on it with time.
The flowers are inconspicuous and have no petals--this is observed in the spring season when the leaves turn from yellow to red. The pollination process is through the wind as there is no nectar for zoo-pollination to occur.
The fruits are called the samara, where they are elongated with apical wings. They include one single seed in them. It is a very healthy food for animals.


This tree is useful in many ways. Because of its huge form and thick and dense branches, it provides excellent shade.
Since it is well-shaped and the leaves turn yellow to red in spring, it is used for ornamental purposes. It is planted on streets, in gardens, parks, backyards, and even patios.
The wood of this tree is very strong and hard, thus marketed as the popular "White Ash" wood from the White Ash tree for commercial purposes. The fruits and seeds are a healthy source of food for many wildlife animals. It can resist many diseases which are harmful, can be grown in any condition and thus, can be used as a great resource.