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Goldenrod Flower

The blossoming of the goldenrod flower indicates that autumn is almost around the corner. Here are some facts that you need about this flower.
Ratnashri Dutta
When August sunset's yellow blaze
Streams out o'er meadow, field and lawn,
It seeks some shrine wherein its rays
May linger till returning dawn,
And touching gently with its sheen
That graceful plumage of the sod,
Its constellated gems of green
Are changed to glorious Goldenrod

The Goldenrod - Jared Barhite

The blossoming of the goldenrod flowers is a sign that autumn is almost here. These flowers mainly grow in the northern part of America and also several parts of Europe. They can be used either to decorate your house, or make tea, and if cooked properly, they can be eaten as well.

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There are people who call them weeds (specially in America) and remove them, while some (mainly in Europe) refer to the same as prized flowers or consider them to be signs of good luck and grow them in their garden.

Scientific Name and Description

These flowers are native to Europe, Asia, and North and South America. It is usually a wildflower, which grows along the roads and in meadows and pastures. But, some people grow them in their garden. The scientific name is Solidago canadensis or Solidago virgaurea and they belong to the family of Asteraceae.
The scientific name has been derived from the Latin word which means 'to make whole'. These herbaceous perennial plants grows up to a length of 65cm to nearly 2cm and it is the flowers that makes the plant so attractive.
They are bright yellow and form a cluster to attract color sensitive insects, which will help in pollination. The pollen grains of the goldenrod flowers are too heavy to be carried by the wind, hence they are solely dependent on the butterflies, ants, bees, and various other insects to help in carrying these grains.


As it has already been mentioned earlier that these flowers are considered to be weeds by the Americans while they are known as 'good luck flowers' in parts of Europe. This flowering plant (wild or good luck flowers) have several uses. The flowers of this plant is specially used to treat problems like diabetes and tuberculosis.
It is also used to treat internal bleeding, and problems related to the liver, gout and even problems linked to muscles and joints. They are also used to repel certain insects or pests, for decorating homes and sometimes certain parts of the flowers are also cooked and eaten.
In the year 1926, this flower was declared as the state flower of U.S state, Kentucky and Nebraska. People often mistake this flowering plant as the main cause behind the hay fever in autumn. But it's a mistake because it's the ragweed that is the main culprits.