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All About the Geranium 'Rozanne'

Sonia Nair
One of the longest blooming perennials, geranium 'rozanne' is easy to grow and requires low maintenance. What else do you expect from a plant that can produce countless number of flowers during the growing season?
If you are in search of a plant that is ideal as a ground cover or edger, then geranium rozanne is a very good option. They are also perfect for patio containers, hanging baskets, etc. Another plus point of this plant is that it is hardy and tough. Geranium is a genus of flowering plants with around 422 species.
This genus consists of annuals, biennials and perennials. It is a perennial plant with a long blooming period. Like some other types of geranium species, this plant is also commonly known as 'cranesbill'. This prolific flowering plant with a long blooming period was selected as the 'Perennial Plant of the Year 2008'.

Hardy Geranium Rozanne

So you know geranium variety is a plant that blooms for a very long period - from late spring to early fall. This is a perennial and can live for more than two years. It is a low, bushy plant with a rich green foliage. It can grow to a height of 1.5 feet.
Though not invasive, the plant may spread with new shoots developing from the roots. So, if you don't want them to spread, then remove the new shoots as soon as they develop.
The deeply cut leaves have a marbled texture. In fall, the foliage may turn bronze. Most attractive feature of this plant is the saucer-shaped bluish-purple flowers produced in large numbers. Geranium rozanne flowers have five petals with violet-colored veins and a light blue or white center.
The plant was discovered by Donald and Rozanne Waterer, in Somerset (England), during the year 1989. It is said that these plants originated from the seeds collected by the Waterers from two geraniums growing side by side in their garden.
Once the seeds grew, the plant with bluish-purple flowers was exceptionally good to be noticed. Compared to others, they were more tough with prolific blooms. Even the foliage was different and beautiful. The plant was named geranium rozanne and was identified as a cross between Geranium himalayense and Geranium wallichianum 'Buxton's variety'.
It was introduced to the public for the first time during the 2000 Chelsea Flower Show. The official cultivar name of the plant is 'GERWAT' ('ger' for geranium and 'wat' for Waterer).

How to Take Care of Geranium Rozanne Plants

❁ It has to be planted in an area with full to partial sun. The soil must be moist, but well-drained. It is good to add some organic matter to the soil, especially the sandy and clay ones. Ideally, soil pH level must be around 6.0.
❁ The soil must be kept moist, and watering done regularly. Over-watering may cause root problems. In hot weather, mulching will reduce water loss from the soil. You may also make a depression in the soil (around the plant), so that some water is retained. Geranium rozanne is said to be tolerant to heat and drought, to a large extent.
❁ Though the plant produces blooms continuously for a long period, you can further promote flowering by trimming the old flowers. You may also prune the plant, as the first main bloom is over. The plant will produce new shoots and flowers, after pruning.
❁ These plants may not tolerate extreme cold weather and frost, so you have to shift them indoors, in such times. This is hardy in nature and not affected by diseases and pests. Root rots, leaf spots may develop and mostly, over-watering and/or poor drainage are the reasons. You may use time-release fertilizers for making the plant grow healthy and strong.
❁ It is difficult to grow this from seeds, as most of these are sterile hybrids that do not produce seeds. Propagation is mainly done through cuttings (and sometimes division). It is a patented plant, so propagating and selling is illegal without a license.
It is a tough and hardy plant with minimum requirements. You can grow it easily but it will be good to have some knowledge of geranium care. You may contact local nursery authorities or horticulturists to know more about this hardy plant with prolific blooms.
Geranium rozanne are ideal as fillers, ground covers, edgers, etc. You may also grow them in hanging baskets, containers and window boxes or grow them with other plants.