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Flowering Dogwood Tree Varieties

Debopriya Bose
The pink, white, and the red are some of the most popular flowering dogwood tree varieties. To know more about these varieties that are widely considered to be the harbinger of the spring season, read the forthcoming story.
Flowering dogwood trees belong to the family Cornaceae and the genus Cornus. These are deciduous trees that are considered to be one of the most vibrant flowering tree types. This group of plants has almost 40 to 50 species that include both trees and bushes.
But, when we talk about these trees, we basically refer to the tree Cornus florida (flowering dogwood tree scientific name), a variety of dogwood tree that is indigenous to North America. However, depending upon the flowers that they bear, there are different flowering dogwood trees.

Types of Flowering Dogwood Trees

Whichever variety a flowering dogwood tree may belong to, the beauty of its flowers adds a serene charm to the spring season. These trees are an excellent choice for landscaping. They bear flowers that may be white, red, or pink depending on the tree variety. Here are some common dogwood tree varieties:
Pink: The pink dogwood tree is a rapidly growing tree that reaches a height of 15 to 20 feet on attaining maturity. With its 15 to 20 feet spread on maturity that is covered in bright, large pink flowers, this is one of the most spectacular ornamental trees of the different flowering dogwood tree varieties.
The bright red fruits, that first appear in early autumn and continue right till the first half of the month of December, add color to the cold winter months. Just like the other varieties of dogwood, the pink variety is not very fussy with respect to the soil type and moisture requirements.
White: Dogwood trees bear white flowers in the spring season and bright red fruits (berries) in the fall and winter season. These are moderate-sized trees that grow to a height of 15 to 30 feet. They can grow in partial shade or full sun. They are adaptable to a wide range of soil types, be it clay, loam, or acidic. However, it does best in well-drained acidic soil that has enough organic matter in it.
Red: Trees bearing red colored flowers are a fast-growing tree variety that attain a height of 20 to 25 feet and a spread of 10 to 15 feet on maturity. They stand in an elegant display of bright ruby flowers in the spring season.
The leaves have a yellow green to a bronze green color while unfolding that take a rich dark green color in the summer months. The fall color of this tree is a deep crimson. With almost a year round interest, this tree definitely tops the list of those who want to add color to their garden.
This tree requires a well-drained soil and shows moderate drought tolerance. Other than this, the tree is widely adaptable to various soil types. It grows well in part shade/part light, full shade, or full light and is also moderately resistant to mildew.

Care for Flowering Dogwood Trees

Despite its adaptability to soil type and moisture requirement, it is needless to say that proper care will ensure a healthy tree and vibrant blossoms during springtime. There is rarely any dogwood variety that grows in poorly drained soil.
Most of these tree varieties best respond to a slightly acidic soil with a pH ranging between 5.5 to 6. Before planting a dogwood tree, ensure that the soil is well dug and has sufficient amount of fertilizer and organic compost.
These trees love a layer of 3 to 4 inches of organic mulch that keeps the soil moist and deters the growth of weeds around it. These trees are sensitive to injury to their stem and trunk. The layer of mulch also provides protection from injury due to lawn mowers or weed trimmers.
However, before getting down to enthusiastic mulching, why not rear up a little on mulching around trees? Prune dogwood trees only to remove injured or diseased parts. Do this during the dormant season to minimize entry of borers that occupies an important place in the list dogwood trees diseases and problems.
The different flowering dogwood varieties are a favorite of America and very rightfully so. With their vibrant flowers, they naturally add to the allure of the spring season.