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Ficus Bonsai Care

Proper care is a must in order to maintain the health and beauty of the ficus bonsai. Here is the guidelines to be followed for ficus bonsai care.
Bidisha Mukherjee
Ficus bonsai tree is one of the most popular choices for a houseplant as well as for indoor gardening. It has a large variety of species which you can choose from. One of the most common species is the banyan tree.
These species are generally found in tropical and temperate climate zones. They are rich in foliage, which is lush green in color, and can be modified into various shapes. Caring is not a tough and even beginners can try to plant and maintain them.
The ficus bonsai requires additional vigilance, because it is highly sensitive towards changes in environmental conditions. Certain aspects that need to be taken into account for this purpose are:
Exposure to Light: The plant needs to be grown indoors because it has delicate leaves that tend to burn in the scorching heat. Even frost and freezing temperatures are not suitable for the plant. You can place it near a window where it receives direct sunlight in the morning hours, when the intensity of the light is low. It grows well under grow lights.
Watering the Plant: You should be extra careful while watering them. You should avoid over-watering them and at the same time they should not be kept in a dry condition for a long time. An easy method to check whether your bonsai tree needs water or not, is to put your finger an inch into the soil and check if it feels dry.
If yes, then it needs to be watered. There are two methods that can be used. You can place the tree pot in a water sink for about 5 minutes, where the water gets absorbed by the holes under the pot. You can pour water on the plant from the top. In this case, give some water to the plant, wait for few minutes and repeat several times till it suffices.
Humidity: Humidity needs to be maintained to keep the leaves healthy and green, especially in a hot and dry climate. Misting the leaves with a spray bottle many times throughout the day will be helpful. A humidity tray can also be used to generate humidity. It has small stones with water at the bottom that evaporates and creates a moist environment.
Adding Fertilizers: Throughout its growth season, which is from spring to fall, fertilization is important to ensure proper supply of nutrients to the plant.
Organic liquid fertilizer is recommended and it should be injected regularly, every two weeks. If you want to feed the plant with a chemical fertilizer, then make sure you dilute it to half its strength and thus, prevent any damage to its roots.
Repotting: Ficus bonsai should be repotted after two to three years. This should preferably be done in the spring. Select a pot with a number of holes and ensures proper drainage. Plant a layer of moss in the pot first, and then fill it up with soil. Once the repotting is done, water the plant properly, and keep it in a shady spot to enable its growth.
Pruning: The foliage of ficus bonsai tree grows quite fast and so, it needs to be controlled with regular pruning.
It is particularly important during the growing season, as it will help the bonsai stay in the desired shape. Heavy pruning is recommended during the spring season and light pruning can be done throughout the year.
One thing you can rest assured is that, caring about the ficus bonsai can be a truly enriching experience. It will not only ensure longevity of the plants, but will also make the plant look very attractive, which in turn, will enhance the interiors and ambiance of your house or office.
Once you get used to the process, it will become easier and you will instinctively understand the needs and requirements of your plant.