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Fabulous Fence Ideas for Your Front Yard

Megha Tiwari
An attractive fence in your front yard would give the first impression to your neighbors and visitors. Here we give you some fence ideas for front yard to make your house and garden even more stylish.
Front yard fencing gives a definition to the house, and most often, serves a purpose of landscape border. The fences, when decorated and designed beautifully, not only add personality to the house, but to the garden as well. It would look more appealing if it blends with the landscaping in front of your house, complements its style, and defines your area.
There are many fence ideas for front yard that can be adopted according to the style and your choice. It is also important from a privacy and safety point of view. There are many ideas that look awesome when accompanied with some landscaping plans.

Different Styles


This is classic designs in a sober white color. It is an attractive addition to garden. Pair it with the arbor and gate of the same color and medium length to allow unobstructed view from both sides. The arbor can be decorated with bright flowers.

Brick Pillar

If you want something along the lines of stiff and sturdy, go in for this option. If the bricks are similar to that of a patio or house, you will have a more symmetrical look.
The columns should have a slate that would enable water shedding and give a space to keep your flowering pots.


If you want privacy for yourself, this choice would be suitable.
Tightly-packed stakes, like strong bamboo post with a point at one end so it can be driven into the ground, neatly knitted into a sturdy timber frame would be the best.The structures can be further enhanced by implementing landscaping ideas, like planting feathery floras in the mud bed in front of them.

Geometric Fencing

For this kind, horizontal wooden rails are used that are further strengthened by the boards fixed diagonally, to give a triangular pattern and make it more sturdy. Straight and long ones with the accompanying landscape tightly pinned, give a formal appearance.

Ancient Style

Create the ambience of the old-world by placing alternate columns of mortared stone along with the wrought iron panels.
A flowering ornamental plant at the top of a spire would look elegant and charming with this combination of stone and iron. The colorful blossoms on the top would look appealing and carry you to the ancient eras.

Hanger Hooked

Wooden privacy fencing with hangers hooked in them for the pots would make the arrangement lively. Painting the pots and arranging them in a pattern would add character.

Modern Style

Give a feel of modernity. The structure made of galvanized, corrugated metal with wooden patio furniture would make the front space look elegant and professional.


A lattice panel framework consisting of an ornamental design made of strips of wood or metal.It allows the climbers to say more about its beauty will create a brilliant environment in your garden.

Asian Style

The arrangement of bamboos in this style would be effective and simple as well.To create it, place the bamboo horizontally on top of both the sides of the poles of bamboo to bring them together in one.
Do not forget the landscape, as it will enhance the look of your fence. These ideas will definitely make you a subject of hot talk among your neighbors.