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Evergreen Tree Care

Abhijit Naik
Evergreen trees are a delight to watch out for on a serene landscape. Here, we shed light on the basics of evergreen tree care, which will come handy if you intend to develop a breathtaking landscape on your property.
Evergreen trees have dense green foliage all year. These trees are popular as ornamental trees for their thick foliage, adding to the beauty of the landscape. Also, these self-sufficient trees require minimal care, which is another plus point that works in their favor.

About Evergreen Trees

Like we said earlier, evergreen trees are typically characterized by their ability to retain foliage all year round. This is exactly opposite to deciduous trees, which shed their foliage for a part of the year and grow new one. Most of these trees grow in tropical climate, while some grow in temperate climate.
Interestingly enough, a few species are also known to sustain in much colder regions of the world. Most of these trees have needle-like leaves, which is their adaptation to conserve water. Yet another interesting aspect of some evergreen species is their waxy foliage, which significantly reduces the evaporation of moisture from the leaves.

Advantages of Evergreen Trees

Retaining foliage all year round comes as a boon for evergreen trees, as they don't have to waste energy growing new foliage every spring―like their deciduous counterparts do. They conserve energy, while slowly shedding old foliage and growing new one simultaneously throughout various seasons.
The leaves of these trees help them in more than a way. As these nutrient-rich leaves fall on the ground, they decompose and act as natural fertilizers for the tree. Besides this, the thick foliage also provides protection for the bark and branches, as it ensures that the sunlight and snow are kept away from them.

How to Care for an Evergreen Tree?

Being self-sustaining in nature, these trees seldom require as much attention as other tree types do. Here are some tips, which will ensure that your tree grows well against all odds.
✦ The best time to plant an evergreen tree is in spring, when frost has vanished, but the weather is still cool and some spring rain is expected.
✦ Though these trees can grow well in ordinary soil, using well-drained soil is an advantage, as it ensures that the roots get sufficient amount of water.
✦ Hot dry weather, especially during the summer, is known to take a toll on evergreen trees, so they require substantial amount of water during this period.
✦ While watering the tree, you should provide a substantial amount of water, which would at least percolate 6 inches deep into the ground.

✦ These trees don't really require any extra fertilizers, as the leaves that fall on the ground decompose and act as natural manure.
✦ In winter, these trees become susceptible to winter burn owing to excessive wind and winter sun. In order to avoid this, you should ideally provide them with copious amount of water somewhere in late fall, just before the ground freezes.
✦ The best time to prune evergreen trees is in spring, just before the new buds appear. Ideally, you should prune the tree in such a manner that the inner branches continue to grow and facilitate a dense foliage.
You will also have to make sure that your tree is safe from rodents, which feed on its roots, and species like the deer, which feed on its shoots. You should also keep a track of the growth of the tree, check for signs of ill health, and attend to them―if you find any.
If you follow these tips religiously, your tree will grow well and thrive for several years to come. However, you also need to make a note of the fact that these tips are generic and thus, are bound to differ from one species to another.