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Dwarf Orange Tree

Smita Pandit
The popularity of dwarf orange trees among gardening enthusiasts is mainly attributed to their bright fruits, glossy foliage, and fragrant blossoms. Here is some information on the ideal conditions needed for the growth of this tree.
One look at the fruit-laden dwarf orange tree would certainly leave the gardening enthusiasts want one for their home. Those who have a keen interest in gardening or love to keep exotic house plants will find the idea of bringing one home extremely attractive.
This tropical house plant is surely a visual treat due to its green, glossy leaves and fragrant orange blossoms. This tree generally grows up to 2-3 feet in height, but it could grow up to 10 feet, if not pruned. The ideal way to grow this tree would be to grow it in a container.
You can keep it in your patio. Make sure it receives eight hours of sunshine daily. Provide it with the right conditions to grow and you might be able to see beautiful blooms and miniature oranges twice in a year.

Caring for This Tree

Size of the Container

Ensure that the size of the container is right; you need to keep the depth of the root ball in mind while selecting a container. Diameter of the container should be wider than the root ball. This tree has a shallow root system, so you need to select a wide container that allows better growth. Remember that the plant should be re-potted every two years.


This tree needs warm temperature and sunshine to grow. It can grow even in a humid environment.
This dwarf citrus tree requires a temperature ranging from 68-80 °F, and it requires eight hours of sunshine daily. During winter, keep it indoors at a place where the temperature is below 50 °F.


As far as the quality of the soil is concerned, make sure you check it with a soil-testing kit. Acidic soil will help it grow better. In case, the soil isn't acidic enough, the leaves might start becoming yellow.
So, if you see yellow leaves replacing the glossy foliage, check the pH of the soil. You could take 1 quart water at room temperature and mix ½ tsp. magnesium sulfate to it to lower the pH of the soil.


Water the tree when soil surface seems dry. Don't go on a watering spree, just keep the soil moist or the roots might get damaged due to root rot. During summer, you could increase the number of times you water the citrus tree.
You could keep the container in a drip tray as you water the tree. In case you see the tray getting filled up with water, drain it off and place it back.


During the active growth cycle of the tree, fertilize it at least once a month. Use fertilizers with a high acid content as that will really help this citrus tree to grow. When the tree is in a dormant stage, you should apply a little fertilizer every three months.


Pay attention to pruning. You must remove dead branches and twigs. Pruning dead branches and secondary shoots coming from base will promote new growth. If you see a disease affecting any parts, prune them. Protect the tree from mites and bugs.
So, let this tree beautify your garden or patio. Take good care of this tree and you can expect fragrant blossoms and small, juicy, tart oranges on your tree.