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Dwarf Lemon Tree

Rimlee Bhuyan
Dwarf citrus trees, particularly lemon and limes, are quite popular among home gardeners who have space constraints. It is not very hard to grow such dwarf trees at home.
If you would like to grow a citrus tree, but live in an apartment, then you can grow dwarf citrus trees like Meyer lemons, oranges, and tangerines in a container or tub, and savor the tangy fruits. It is not difficult to grow a dwarf lemon tree indoors, as although lemon trees are tropical plants, they can survive even in colder climates.
For those of you wondering if it is possible to grow a dwarf tree from a seed, the answer is yes. As long as the seed used from the fruit is not damaged or cut in any way, there is a good possibility that you can grow them.
But the catch is that lemon trees grown from a seedling, take a very long time to bear flower and fruits. So, you might have to wait a good six to seven years before you are able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Growing a Dwarf Lemon Tree

The dwarf lemon tree actually is a kind of bonsai, and requires a bit of care before you can see the tree bearing fruits. Like fruit tree cultivation, the lemon tree is also grown by the process of grafting a cutting from another tree.
To cultivate a dwarf lemon plant from a cutting, you have to first obtain a softwood cutting from a healthy lemon tree. Choose the cutting from a young dwarf lemon plant during late spring or early summer. While getting a cutting from the tree, make sure that the tree is neither too young or too mature.
Take a sharp knife and dip it in alcohol to prevent any transmission of diseases. Make a clean, asymmetrical cut about 4 to 6 inches deep, and ensure that there are 3 to 4 leaves present on the cutting.
Now, pinch the top half of the leaves from the cutting and plant it in a potting mixture that has been kept in a tray. Spray the potting mixture with water and cover the leaves of the cutting with a clear plastic bag. Make sure that the leaves of the cutting are not in contact with either the bag or the potting mixture.
Place the planting tree in a dry place away from direct sunlight. Regularly water when the potting mixture is getting dry. Avoid over watering the cutting as it might rot. After about a month, check the lemon tree cutting to see if it has grown roots. When the roots are 2-3 inches long, transfer the cutting to a plastic or terracotta container.
Place it in direct sunlight and water it every two to three days.
The height is about four to 6 feet but some varieties also grow to 8 feet. As part of caring for the tree, you would need to keep a check on infestations of whitefly and scale insects. With a little bit of care, your tree will soon bear fruit, which you can them proudly use in many preparations.