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Drainage Pipe Installation

Rujuta Borkar
This story will take you through some of the key factors involved in drainage pipe installation. Read ahead through this post should clear the basic workings of the process involved.
Drainage pipe installation will seem like a very difficult task for many, given that it can get very confusing for those who have never tackled it before. The steps on how to go about with the whole task―rather, how to begin the task in the first place will be explained in brief in this following Gardenerdy article. Continue reading for a better understanding of the process.

Perforated Pipe Installation

A perforated drainage pipe is used for drawing water away from one location to another for the purpose of drainage. It is for this reason that there needs to be a proper slope maintained without which there will be no proper drainage acquired and the water will accumulate at one juncture without flowing into the sewer or any other area of collection.
The following is a step-by-step process of how to go about installing a drainage pipe. This one works especially well as a drainage solution for yards
1. The first thing that is required to be done is that a trench needs to be dug for the pipe to be fitted in. The trench should be dug at least 2-3 times the width of the drainage pipe and about 2-3 feet deep such that the pipe can be sufficiently covered. Make sure that the pipe can be fit in straight and is not bent or crooked.
2. Take a sledgehammer and install stakes with a distance of 4 feet throughout the trench and then tie a rope to the area where the water will enter the pipe.

3. Now, tie the string to the next stake in line. But while tying it, make sure that you tie it about half an inch down and continue to do so till the last one.
4. Measure the distance from the bottom of the trench to the string and make sure that a consistent distance is maintained by adding or removing the soil.

5. Now, cushion the soil between the stakes and check to see if the right distance is maintained.
6. Next, remove the string and pull out the stakes.

7. Use good quality landscaping fabric and place it in the trench to prevent the soil from entering the gravel around the pipe.
8. Add about 2 inches of gravel to the trench base and level it with a garden rake.

9. Now, carefully place the perforated pipe inside the trench with the holes facing down.
10. Fill the entire trench with gravel such that there is about 4-6 inches of it in the soil line.

11. Then wrap landscape fabric over the gravel top.

12. Replace the soil and the sod over the landscape fabric.

PVC Pipe Installation

A PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) pipe is a preferred choice when it comes to removing or transferring water from one area to the other and providing drainage solutions around the house. This typically involves removing (and therefore preventing) the accumulation of water from the roof (or any other area) and transferring it to a sewer or a drain.
This is a great preventive step to consider because it means that there will be no drainage problems and danger to the seepage of water into the foundation and the like.
The following is a step-by-step process of how to go about the installation

1. Mark the path of the area from where the drainage pipe will be installed, starting from the point where the water accumulates till the point where you need the water to be transferred.
2. Follow the pipe till the point where the drainage pipe will end and dig a trench that is about 16 inches deep.

3. Next, continue to dig the trench, taking it till the starting point situated at the house and be sure to maintain the depth of the trench through this whole process.
4. At the very end of the trench (the end point of the pipe), dig a hole that is 16 inches deep and 36 inches in diameter.

5. Take a down spout adapter and attach it to the down spout (The area from which the water flows down), and making use of clips and the like, secure it tightly in place.
6. Now, hold the elbow of the pipe (the part where the pipe will be fitted) and hold it over the trench under the spout.

7. Measure the distance between the middle of the pipe and the adapter and cut a part of the PVC pipe according to that measurement.
8. Start applying cement to the outer pipe, the inside of the adapter, and the elbow of the pipe. Then, insert the pipe in and let the cement set, then secure it.

9. Start forming the connections in line by applying cement to one end of a new pipe and the remaining to the end of the other. Then insert and let dry.
10. Now, place the final piece of pipe into the trench and use the same method to connect it to the line of pipes. Make sure that about 6 inches have to lead into the 3-foot trench.

11. Fill the hole with gravel and even it out, covering the pipe end.
12. Make absolutely sure that the pipe is at the same level or else the added pressure can lead to breakage and cracks in the pipe.

13. Next, cover the pipe with dirt till it is compactly packed.
There are several different pipes that one can choose from and accordingly there will be a difference in the installation. Some of these are corrugated pipes, the PEX pipes or the copper pipes, among others. Depending on each of these pipes and the function that they fulfill, there will be a different approach to the installation techniques.