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Decorative Wire Fencing

Rohit Bandri
Using decorative wire fencing is something that gives an additional zing to your beautiful house and surrounding lawns and makes them look attractive. Here are some information about decorative wire fencing and the parameters to be considered while before installing one.
A wire garden fencing should be such that it protects your house from encroachers and at the same time makes their heads turn with its attractiveness. Often people don't give enough importance to wire garden fencing and tend to compromise on its quality.
There are various types of decorative wire fences to choose from. Some designs are more durable while some are more attractive. The trick is to choose the one that meets both requirements. One should ensure that the wire mesh fencing matches the color and texture of the gate.

What Is Wire Fencing?

A typical wire fencing has a framework, a mesh, gates, and fittings. The weight of these components and protective coatings used vary in different forms of fencing and can also change from one manufacturer to other. The most widely used wire fencing has a coating of zinc and polyester. People sometimes prefer lightweight fencing for their low costs.
However, they don't realize that such wire fencing can be easily bent or distorted by over-inquisitive animals, strong winds, or a careless passersby. An invader would not find these fences too formidable to overcome.

Components of Decorative Wire Fencing

Wire Mesh

Selecting a wire mesh is based on evaluation of the following three factors: the gauge number, the distance between two vertical wires and the protective coating used. The gauge number specifies the amount of steel present in the wire.
Smaller value of gauge number is better as it indicate higher quantity of steel in the wire. Usually, wires with gauge numbers 4 and 6 are used for a decorative concertina. The distance between two vertical wires in a mesh should also be as less as possible. Smaller distance indicates more steel used.
A distance of 4 inches is considered suitable for wire meshes. Zinc is the common protective coating used for a wire mesh. If the zinc coated wire is cut, it creates an oxidized layer over the cut that prevents rust from affecting the wire. An additional coating of polyester protects the wires from corrosion and goes well with the garden.

Posts, Rails and Pintle

Selecting right posts for the framework of wire garden fencing is an important task. The determining factors are gauge number, diameter of the posts and the rails. For wire garden fencing in residential areas, the gauge numbers can be 16 to 20 and diameter 2 inches.
As far as rails are concerned, usually roll-formed rails with gauge number 16 are used. The often overlooked parts of a fencing are fittings used like nuts, bolts, brackets and other mechanical components in the gate. These should also be galvanized with zinc and polyester. The pintle used in hinges must be round in shape to prevent the gate from sagging.

Types of Garden Fencing

Other than the steel fencing, most popular decorative wire garden fences are iron and aluminum garden fences. Iron garden fencing looks like wrought iron fencing, but is actually of steel. It comes in the form of 3 square feet panels with a spear post at one end.
Aluminum fencing, on the other hand, consists of prefabricated panels that are later attached to the aluminum fence posts. Cast pickets and horizontal rails are used for building an aluminum garden fencing.
Installing the right decorative wire fencing to enclose your yard, can give your house a completely unique look and you can enjoy your privacy. It is a simple way of making your house stand out in your locality as well as of increasing its market value.