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Tips for Planting Daylilies

Madhumita Shivade
Available in several colors owing to increasing hybridization, daylilies are perennial varieties. Read ahead to know more.
Daylilies have three petals and three sepals, together known as tepals. Planting them is easy due to their adaptable nature, little care, vigorous growth, and surviving abilities. They are one of the easiest flowers to plant in your garden as they can also survive winters with only little injury.

Planting Guide


Choose an area in your garden that receives sunlight for at least 5 to 6 hours everyday.
Next, remove the roots of unwanted plants that may be present in the soil earlier. Dig out a hole in the ground that is a little bigger and wider, so that the roots can easily sit in. Mix the fertilizers in the soil. Place your plant in the hole, gather the soil around it and then, water the plant.


Daylilies grow best in soil that is well drained with a pH between 6.5 to 7, but they are so adaptable that they can actually grow in soil containing any pH. They will also grow in sandy soil as well as heavy clay soil.
If your garden has heavy clay soil, you can add manure, peat moss, good compost, gypsum, etc., to make it suitable for your flowers. Adding compost or another organic material to the soil increases its nutrition value. If there is a drainage problem, raising the beds is the easiest option available.


These plants grow best in early spring. But if you buy them in other seasons, save them from drought. Watering will ensure big and bright blooms.
Water sufficiently in spring, and also in summer, which will help boost their growth. These plants are capable of withstanding drought, but obviously less water is going to make them dry off and wither away. Pour water up to an inch every week so that the soil soaks it up at a greater depth.


If you want to know what exact nutrients your soil needs, get a soil analysis done. The soil should be fertilized every two to three weeks after plantation. If you are using chemical fertilizers, doing this twice a year is sufficient. Chemical fertilizers should be added in early spring. Mulching is one of the best ways to make the soil more fertile.


Insects such as aphids, thrips, spider mites, snails, and slugs feed on the blooming flowers and buds. These can be killed by spraying some insecticide or by simply watering with force.
These insects cause discoloration and holes in the leaves. Although the insects may do minor damage to these plants, it might be difficult to tell the exact cause of any disease. Hence, it is better to consult an agricultural agent, or a local nursery.

Controlling the growth of weeds

It is very important that the weeds growing around this plant should be removed, as these weeds absorb the nutrition that is given to them.