Write Guest Posts About Gardening

Write Guest Posts About Gardening
Start guest blogging in the format of visually rich and quick-loading stories and boost user engagement.
Tired of the traditional ways of blogging? Looking for a new way to promote your content to a wider user base? Then sign up to us.

Here you can create content in the highly user-friendly format of Visual Stories and channelize your content marketing efforts in the right direction. These stories are mobile-focused, search engine-friendly, fast-loading and visually appealing.

This visual storytelling format harnesses Google's AMP technology and provides bloggers and content marketers with a very effective way to garner more audience online and earn a higher ROI. Hop on this trend early and stay ahead of competition. Become a contributor and create AMP stories, now.

Beginner: Even if you don't call yourself a writer, you can contribute content here. Pick some of the best pictures of your garden or collect photos of some good landscaping ideas, and share them in the form of a story.

Writer: If you are a professional writer, the most effective way to boost user engagement is to create content in the visual stories format.

Content Marketer: And if you are a content marketer wanting to promote your product or service, AMP stories are the best means to earn better rankings and thereby more readers.