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Catmint Plant

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Grow catmint plant and fill your yard with a pleasant aroma. With perennial catmint plants in the garden, you will also get to enjoy lavender colored flowers every year during summer.
Lavender blue-colored catmint flower is a wonderful addition to any flower garden. Taxonomically represented as Nepata faassenii, the catmint plant is a perennial herbaceous species.
Catmint is an excellent garden plant for people who have less time for spending in the garden. With increased interest in growing catmint plant, hybridizers have developed different cultivars that bloom in varied colors, ranging from white to pink, purple and blue.

Catmint Plant: Growing and Care

If you are searching for perennial plants that bloom all summer, catmint is one of them. It is popularly grown in the herb garden, mostly for its aromatic foliage and flowers. Catmint plant is extremely hardy, in terms of water scarcity and other growth factors.
Hence, even if you have dry soil, you cannot give excuses for not growing catmint plants. This perennial flowering herb is easy to grow and care for. Refer to the given tips for maintaining healthy catmint plants in the yard.

Plantation Site

Catmint plant thrives best in areas that receive full sunlight. It is seen that plants grown in sunlit areas bear more blooms than others planted in partially shaded areas. So, select an apt plantation site. You can also consider growing the plant in containers. They can be grown in flower beds, borders or as ground covers according to your garden layout.

Soil Condition

As mentioned already, catmint plants are drought-tolerant cultivars. They can adapt in dry soil, but not in wet or waterlogged soil. The preferable conditions are well-drained soil, enriched with organic matter and sand particles. Likewise, prepare potting media for planting catmint in pots. You can mix sand and rock components to make the required porosity.

Planting Catmint

Planting tips for catmint are no different from other perennial herbs. Make plantation holes in the garden soil or potting media, deep enough for placing the root ball without damaging.
Gently transfer catmint plant to the hole and cover it with soil. Press soil around the plant and water deeply. Repeat the planting steps for other catmint plants, maintaining a space of about 18 inches between two plants.

After Plantation Care

Within the first few days after plantation, you need to take care of the newly planted catmint plants. Water them regularly till they get established to the soil. Nevertheless, make sure that the top soil remains dry between two watering sessions. Consider adding a layer of mulch to control weed and at the same time, conserve soil moisture.

Catmint Flower Care

When you maintain the favorable growing conditions, catmint plants will bear flower spikes throughout summer. These fragrant flowers attract butterflies and bees in the garden. You can extend the blooming period of catmint by deadheading the spent blooms. By doing so, you can conserve essential plant nutrients and encourage growth of new flower buds.
The plant grows to a height of about 12-15 inches. At maturity, the spread measures to about 18 inch. Some people prefer using this flowering plant for making herbal tea. As the frizzy foliage has a strong aroma, catmints are also effective for repelling pests in the garden.
No wonder, the catmint plants have no serious pests and diseases. Include this maintenance-free perennial herb in your garden and appreciate the lavender blue blooms throughout summer.