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Bromeliad Care Instructions

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Taking care of a bromeliad includes selecting a shallow pot, preparing well-drained soil and providing favorable range of lighting, temperature, humidity, and irrigation. You can grow bromeliads both as indoors and outdoor plants.
Bromeliads are one of the diverse plant groups, taxonomically classified under the family Bromeliaceae. It is a large family, comprising 51 genera and more than 2000 species. In the natural habitat, you will find bromeliad species growing in tree trunks as epiphytes and also, in the ground.
They are perfect houseplants that adapt well to warm indoor conditions. They are characterized by vibrant colored and long-lasting inflorescence, while some varieties have attractive foliage as well.
If you don't have a bromeliad in the garden, you are missing a plant that can brighten up your landscape. Unlike regular plants, they can adapt in unfavorable conditions. The only concern is their susceptibility to frosting. While planting them outdoors, do protect them from frost or cold climates.
As bromeliads are well adapted to indoors and outdoors, the plantation site is not a concern. One of the interesting facts is the center cup or vase like structure in non-epiphytic varieties. This cup, formed by a rosette of colorful, broad leaves, is used as a water storing adaptation in the natural habitat.

Selecting Pots

Bromeliads have shallow roots serving as anchoring system, and for absorbing water, nutrients. You can grow a bromeliad in small plastic or clay pots, ensuring the roots are alive and healthy. You can use plastic containers that retain water for long.

Soil or Potting Media

Bromeliads need fertile, sandy, well drained soils for growth. While preparing garden soil, add 2-3 inch organic matter in the planting bed and proper amounts of sand for proper drainage. For potting, mix equal parts of peat, bark, and coarse sand.

Ideal Lighting and Temperature

Bromeliads prefer bright, indirect sunlight. Accordingly, you can plant them in shady areas in your garden or near windows (having blinds). Nevertheless, they can tolerate a very low light for long hours.
An ideal way is to give the bromeliad bright sunlight for a few hours, once in 2 - 3 days. As far as temperature is concerned, the preferred range is 55 - 85° F, though some species can tolerate up to 100° F.


For epiphytic bromeliad species, average humidity of 40-60 percent is important as they absorb water from the surroundings through scaly leaves. Also, they lack the water storing cup-like structure. If humidity in your room is below 40 percent, use room humidifier.


Bromeliads are tolerant to prolonged dry spells. In fact, most problems with bromeliads are related to root rotting and disease infestation, developed due to overwatering.
You can leave the top soil layer for drying between two watering sessions. In most cases, watering once or twice a week is sufficient.


You can apply regular houseplant liquid fertilizer at a much reduced concentration every 1 - 2 months.
Established plants respond well to light feeding in the active growing season and before blooming. During cold winter months, adding fertilizers is not at all necessary.
Based on the types you have selected, care tips should be followed properly. After blooming is over, the plant produces bromeliad pups at the base. As the mother plant dies, you can transplant the new plants in pots or garden soil.