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Best Indoor Plants

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Some of the best indoor plants include those which grow well in low light, warm temperature conditions, and are easy to be taken care of. The list of houseplants includes philodendrons, ferns, poinsettias, mother-in-law's tongue, peace lilies, and snapdragons among others.
Indoor gardening is a concept for apartment dwellers who do not have spare land for outdoor gardens. And believe me, it is as interesting as growing a flower garden in the yard. All you need is basic plant care tips and a good choice of plant varieties.
For those who are prone to allergy conditions, or have children or pets at home, selecting indoor plants might be a little difficult for the fear of the plants' toxicity. Here we help you to make the right choice.
Having houseplants is useful in ways as adding cozy feel to a room, being attractive decor item, purifying indoor air. There are certain ornamental plants adaptable to indoor environment.


One of the best indoor plants, philodendron is available in different types, which differ in their foliage shape.
They require less light and temperatures ranging from 15 to 18 degrees C. They can be propagated through stem cuttings. They are easy to care for and are common as indoor and ornamental plants. However, remember that these leafy plants are poisonous and care should be taken while handling them.


Poinsettias are among the most desired houseplants. They are good indoor plants for home, office. You can get poinsettia plants in white, pink, orange, red, speckled, etc. The bracts are showy, colorful, and blooms are yellow and inconspicuous.
Contrary to popular belief, poinsettias are not poisonous to humans. Eating its leaves may cause nausea and vomiting and skin contact with its white sap may cause a mild rash. But this happens if a person is sensitive or allergic to the plant. ASPCA enlists poinsettias among being toxic to cats and dogs.


If you have less time for indoor plants, ornamental ferns are for you. Caring for them is easy as they need less maintenance. If you are allergic to pollens, place the plants at ground level. This reduce dispersal and spread of spores in the house.

Peace Lilies

Included in the best flowering plants for indoor gardening, peace lilies are most preferred by hobbyists. They require a warm temperature, high humidity levels and shade conditions for optimal growth.
The flowers are white and their shape is almost similar to that of anthurium. The foliage is bright green and large, thus adding to the aesthetic value of the room, even in the non-blooming season.

Moth Orchid

Another excellent flowering plant for indoor plantation is the moth orchid. Categorized in the genus, Phalaenopsis, this orchid is found in various colors. The care is easy and it blooms for about three months. For maximum bloom production, place your moth orchid near a window or door where it can receive filtered sunlight.


For gardening enthusiasts with asthma or other allergy problems, snapdragons are a good choice.
Snapdragons plant variety, the pollens (that may cause respiratory problems and allergies) are enclosed within the flower itself. Pinching off some of the stamens is a good tip for a longer shelf life of the flowers.

Lady Palm

Lady Palm is a must-have ornamental plant for indoor gardening. The most spectacular part with this small palm tree is its fan-shaped leaves.
It is slow-growing and long-lasting, thus serving as an ideal houseplant for busy hobbyists. The lady palm can adapt to a wide range of soil conditions, temperatures, and humidity levels.

Epipremnum aureum

It refers to a species of flowering plants. One of the common names of this plant is golden pothos. It is an evergreen vine that can grow to a height of 20 m.
When grown as a houseplant, it can reach a height of 2 m. Young leaves are 20 cm long, which later can grow up to 100 cm. The leaves grow densely, giving the plant attractive look. It is a popular houseplant, especially in temperate regions. It can remove air pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene. ASPCA enlists it among plants toxic to dogs and cats.

Mother-in-law's Tongue

This cultivar is also included in the list of best indoor plants that clean air. The name is coined with reference to the sharp tip of its leaves. It grows well even when exposed to low light conditions for an extended period. Also, this plant requires less watering. During summer, watering once a month is sufficient for its healthy growth.
Other houseplants include begonias, bromeliads, zebra plant, cactus, ficus, and ponytail palm. While placing the indoor plants in your house, arrange them based on their height, foliage shape, flower color, and flowering season, and give your home interiors a unique touch.