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Bermuda Grass Care

Pragya T
Bermuda grass is a rapidly-growing grass, that produces a fine and thick-textured turf. Read on, to learn about its care requirements.
Bermuda grass is a tough grass, which loves the sun and is naturally heat and drought-resistant, and is a great choice for people who live in hot, humid, and somewhat arid climates. This is a low-growing, wiry grass which provides an excellent ground cover and can withstand harsh and constant walking of people or pets on it.
This grass spreads naturally and rapidly by producing seeds and it can even spread through the ground shoots called stolons or below the ground shoots. It needs to be edged properly or it can invade your flower beds and other planting sides, hence regular mowing is necessary.


There are various types of Bermuda grass which require less maintenance and each type has their own benefits.
  • The Mohawk variety is used for golf courses and for growing sports turf like football and baseball. This variety is highly tolerant to cold climates.
  • Savannah variety is used for open areas in midst of frequent disturbances like flooding, fire, and grazing. It is mostly suitable for turf and it's seeds are very small that aid in easy plantation.
  • Another variety is Blackjack, which is usually seen in yards and sports field. This grass has an excellent texture and is resistant to cold weather.

Care Instructions

Planting Instructions: The right time to sow the seeds is from mid-May to mid-August. Sow the seeds in the soil around ΒΌ inch deep, and use two to three pounds of seed per 1000 square feet. These seeds are very fine, so you can mix the seeds with sand for a more uniform distribution. You will see the seeds germinating within 8 - 10 days.
Light and Soil Requirements: Plant the grass in a site that receives full sun. It grows in many types of soils. You can use a regular soil to plant this grass. It can also grow in poor soil conditions, but it will need a lot of water to grow.
Water Requirements: Maintain the grass bed wet till the seeds germinate. The turf should be watered everyday or every alternate day, till it is fully rooted inside the ground. After this period water it only once a week.
Fertilizer Needs: It needs a lot of fertilizer. Apply the fertilizer two to three times during its growing season. During April it will start coming out of its dormant state. When half of the grass turns green, apply a slow-releasing, high-nitrogen fertilizer. Second application of this fertilizer should be given after 6 - 8 weeks later and third application after 6 weeks. To prevent injury during the dormant stage in winters apply a winterizer to the grass.
Mowing and Maintenance: It doesn't need much maintenance. As this grass is aggressive, it typically keeps the weeds under control on its own. But, this grass can benefit from regular mowing sessions, which helps to cut back the weeds. The mowing height should be maintained around 1.5 to 2.5 inches.
Weed Control Instructions: Apply a crabgrass preventer to the Bermuda turf during the late September to early October to prevent any winter weeds. Again apply the preventer during February for weed control. A good fed Bermuda turf doesn't get any weed problems, but if the weeds still develop then apply a weed killer in June.
So, select the right variety of Bermuda grass and follow the planting and care instructions to grow and maintain a great lawn.