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Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds

Azmin Taraporewala
When we are keen on maintaining a healthy pond, incorporating beneficial bacteria is a requisite. The role of beneficial bacteria for the water body, and the aquatic life to thrive is discussed herein.
Biological filtration, a scientific term for beneficial bacteria, is essential to maintain a pleasant pond environment, or, for that matter, any water body. When a pond is fabricated it has a consistency of bacteria to keep the water in the pond clean.
As algae and other neighboring dead matter accumulate in the pond, the oxygen levels in the pond plummet. When this happens the pond health is said to be affected. It is when good bacteria is added to the pond, we notice a change in the ecological balance where oxygen levels increase and the water remains cleaner and healthier.
When the dead matter and algae deposits deplete, there is a natural change in the oxygen levels resulting in cleaner water. When the bacteria in a pond are not able to deplete the harmful nutrient levels, the water starts to get foamy and foggy eliciting a detestable odor due to the concentration of hydrogen sulfide.
You may be aware that there are two types of bacteria. The aerobic beneficial bacteria which keeps the water clean and the aquatic life alive and fresh, whilst, on the other hand there are anaerobic bacteria that are known to be virtual spoilers of the pond water quality and are also responsible for your aquatic life dying.

Why are Beneficial Bacteria Necessary for Ponds?

There are times when the ecological balance of a water system gets affected and to retain sound water health maintaining the balance is essential. It is here that the beneficial bacteria fails to maintain balance with the waste matter and other degenerating factors in the pond. The waste matter increases and degrades the water quality.
This could be due to an overabundance of aquatic life, excess of fertilizers or administering of more than required feeder. The process begins when fish excrete waste matter. For the water to remain healthy, it is required that water fights the effects of the excreted substance and still manages to retain its clarity.
It is the role of the aerobic bacteria to clean the pond. We could either let the pond remain the way it is and let nature take its course, or we may add cultured beneficial bacteria to let the pond thrive well with the fish doing well too. This goes for fabricated ponds and fish tanks.
The pond bacteria have the ability to convert the excreta (ammonia) into nitrites. It is here that another bacteria comes into the picture and develops the nitrites into nitrates. When the nitrites are converted into nitrates, the water and the fish are maintained, resulting in no life damage.

Bacteria that Befit Fish Ponds

When bacteria is made available, fish ponds and tanks can remain clean. However, one has to remember to feed fish appropriately, without overfeeding them. The amount of feeder you provide depends predominantly on the type of fish in your pond or aquarium.
For breeding koi fish, the excreta and the resultant production of ammonia will be comparatively more than other fish like goldfish. Thus, more ammonia will mean more of nitrite production resulting in the formation of nitrate. Pay close attention to the type of fish you keep, as they are the ones that may indirectly disturb the ecological balance of water.
Another requisite for the beneficial bacteria to survive is oxygen. A good water supply into a fish tank can help maintain the oxygen levels ensuring survival of surrounding flora and fauna. It is only through the incorporation of the bacteria that ponds can remain clean without disturbing the ecological balance of the water system.