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Above Ground Pool Deck Designs

Scholasticus K
Not everyone has enough space in the backyard requiered to build a pool. Such space constraints can be overcome by opting for above-the-ground pool. Deck designs that use available space smartly do provide the desired experience, and at the same time enhance the look and comfort of such pools.
Swimming pools that are constructed by digging out a hole of appropriate dimensions in the ground, and then building the appropriate structure certainly look beautiful.
However, such swimming pools are very expensive to build, due to the following reasons:
The swimming pools that are aligned to the ground level require a lot of digging which is very expensive and labor intensive.
A structure of concrete is built inside this hole, which is then covered up with tiles or a waterproof synthetic material.
Many people cannot afford in-ground pool. So, to enable such people to have swimming pools in the backyard; the designers have created 'above-ground' swimming pools. Such pools do not need any digging which reduces the construction cost drastically.

Deck Design for Pools Built Above the Ground

Building pool deck above the ground is a brilliant idea, as one can lavishly enjoy the same comforts of a normal swimming pool. These decks are usually built with wood. Wooden beams are used to make the foundation for the decks, which rests on square blocks of concrete.Using wood has its own advantages.


Wooden surfaces are more durable than plastic surfaces. If the surface has been coated with appropriate polish, it can also survive harsh weather, like extreme heat and rain for many years together. High quality wood is so durable that you also do not require to change it for a couple of decades.


The use of wood in preparing the above pool deck is more advantageous for one more genuine reason, flexibility. The deck that is made up of wood can be modified very easily. Another advantage is that one can also expand a wooden deck by adding foundations and standing surfaces.


The reason that this type of deck is preferred by many people is that it looks very charming in all the seasons


One of the added advantages is that they can be easily maintained or repaired with the help of simple tools like a hammer, chisel, nails etc.
Railings are a must, as they ensure that people standing on the deck would not fall down. The deck design can be improved by adding railings to it considering the weight-bearing capacity. You can also place reclining chairs on the deck or tie the hammock on the railings itself.
If you live in a tropical or sub-tropical region, it is recommended that you use huge umbrellas. Another very good option is to attach some supports to the hand railings and cover the entire deck or entire pool with a fabric or synthetic canopy. Sometimes, if the deck is big and strong enough, people also build entire drink bars on top of them.
It is always advisable that you mop the floor of the deck after a dip in the pool, and keep it dry when the pool is not in use. Also, look out for any fungal growth on the deck. Proper maintenance will ensure that the deck has a long life and does not decompose.