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A Comprehensive Guide About Organic Gardening

Zoey Fawell
Nowadays, the term organic gardening has gained considerable attention. In simple words, organic gardening is an approach of growing food crops without any use of chemicals, such as herbicides, pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers.
These chemicals cause severe problems and disturbances in natural ecosystems. In this article, we learn about organic gardening. If you want to learn more about organic home gardening visit Homecactus.com.
By following the act of organic foods production of 1990, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has set the national standards for categorizing and labeling foods as organic. However, at home, organic gardening is a personal choice.
Organic gardening is not only intended to avoid synthetic fertilizer and pesticide application, but it involves many other practices. These practices include growing of cover crops, the addition of compost, and the addition of organic manure. Compost can also be used as a replenishing additive to improve the structure of sandy and clay soils.
Compost is nutrient-rich, microorganism containing soil, a result of organic matter's decomposition by microorganisms. A garden serves as essential source of nutrients in compost, including plant waste, grass clippings, fallen leaves, and twigs.
One can also use fruits and vegetable peels and scarps, eggshells, coffee grounds. Additionally, horse, cow, and chicken manure is also a good option for the addition of nutrients, but these should be free from pathogens.
In the organic gardening systems, the plants are an essential part of natural ecosystems, and entire food production is supported by natural means. This system aims to improve water supply, and soil health by minimizing harm and destruction to the nonliving and living parts of the environment.
The fundamentals of organic gardening require cultivation based on the creation of an ecosystem that can sustain and nourish soil fertility and plant growth. This system also focuses on getting benefits from insects.
Mainly three areas are more focused on maintaining organic gardening cultivation. Among these, the management of soil using organic practices is most important. There is no involvement of herbicides so, the weeds are removed manually.
The pest population can be significantly controlled by companion planting and by promoting growth of beneficial insects. These strategies are most important for organic gardeners. The proper knowledge and scientific background about organic gardening can lead to reliable results, along with quality food production.
However, the success of an organic gardening system is also dependent on cropping patterns, crop varieties, plant types, and planting density.

Guide for Establishing Organic Garden

Preparation of Soil

Soil is one of the most essential resources that need to be managed for organic farming. For soil management, locally available resources for the addition of organic nutrients to the soil can be used.
Proper soil management ensures the healthy growth of plants. Adequate conditioning of soil ensures the optimal bioavailability and uptake of nutrients.
The application of chemical treatments destroys the chemical composition and also affects soil biological activities and soil life, including microorganisms. The biological life of soil can be measured by using a soil testing kit, or by analysis of soil from any nearby agricultural extension office.

Making of Good Compost

While waiting for the soil results, one can easily make compost at home. Although technical knowledge is required for making compost, it is much helpful for the conservation of water, reducing the growth of weeds, and providing nutrients to the plants.
For making the compost, kitchen waste, yard garbage, grass trimmings, and leaves can be used. Compost can also be purchased from the organic gardening centers. The steps ahead are involved in making compost.
  • In the first step, space should be measured as a site for composting.
  • The minimum measured space should be 3 square feet.
  • The leaves, organic garbage, and piles of dead plant parts should be collected.
  • The layers of leaves should be added alternatively, along with the green materials for nitrogen, and garden trimmings for carbon. For instance, manures and kitchen leftovers can also be added. All this matter should be adequately covered with a layer of soil.
  • Every time, after the addition of the new mixture, the pile should be adequately turned and inverted. At this stage, the addition of water is a must to maintain the moist conditions for enhancing the microbial activities.
  • There should be no smell in the compost, but in any case, if there is any smell, there should be addition of dry leaves, straws, or sawdust followed by regular turning and inverting. This way, good compost is available for use in the kitchen garden.

Garden Preparation

While waiting for the final product of composting, one can easily make an excellent space for a garden. Here, it is crucial to know that the destruction of soil is not an option.

Selection of Right Crops and Plant Varieties

After the preparation of the garden, the next step is the selection of the right plants. At this step, the results of soil testing are significant.
The choice of the right plants that can easily survive and give good production in the microenvironment of the garden can lead to the best quality food production.
These plants should be selected according to their capability to grow according to the moisture, draining, soil type, and lighting conditions in the garden. Healthy plants are always resistant to diseases and pest attacks, so this kind of selection can be significantly fruitful.
If the sown crop is adapted to the conditions, and climate of the garden, then better growth can be observed with minimum application of inputs.
It is recommended to purchase seedlings that are being raised and managed without any use of synthetic chemicals. Plants with overcrowded roots should be avoided.

Plantation in Beds

Plantation in more extensive beds ensures better and maximum growth. In this way, the damage caused by walking or by the destruction of the soil surface is reduced. Additionally, water losses and weed growth are reduced.
The efficiency of plants for utilizing the water and nutrients is also improved. In the rows, the adequate space between the plants should be ensured. It helps the proper circulation of air and dramatically reduces the chances of fungal attacks.

Organic Fertilizers for Nutrition

By compost and organic matter, nutrient and water retention improves in plants. Other than compost, some organic fertilizers are required that are derived from natural sources like animal by-products, rock phosphate, wood ash.
Sometimes, agricultural lime is also added to the soil for improving soil health and quality. You can get agricultural lime from limestone, and it is added in acidic soils, for optimization of soil pH.

Caring and Management of Organic Gardening

By proper care and management of organic gardens, high quality products can be obtained from organic gardens. Some management practices are discussed here.
  • Irrigation should be done only in the morning or evening
  • Addition of mulching
  • Use of good quality compost
  • Utilization of natural manures
  • Weeding and fertilizer application at the right time
  • Regular pruning to ensure proper aeration
  • Proper management of nutrients and lighting system

Benefits of Organic Gardening System

Organic veggies contain a higher level of vitamin and mineral content as compared to the food that is grown by using the chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides.
Due to natural growing conditions, the taste and scent of organic vegetables are also great. In addition to all, these benefits, organic gardening helps to save you money by producing your own food production.
Furthermore, it is confirmed by certified medical professionals, that organic compounds have a higher concentration of nutrients such as vitamin D and C. Additionally, organic gardening serves as an excellent means of exercise for the body.
Thus, organic gardening is both a meaningful and enjoyable way of boosting physical activities. Outdoor environmental conditions refresh and relax both body and soul. The stress of the whole day's hectic routine can be significantly relieved in a refreshing environment.
With synthetic chemicals, the environment is much polluted. As no chemicals are used in the organic gardens, it greatly helps to conserve the environment.
Organic gardening is the best way to ensure the ecological balance, as it only causes minimal disturbance. In this system, small animals, insects, and birds are not at risk due to synthetic chemicals.
Water quality of groundwater reservoirs is also affected due to leaching of chemicals, this possibility of leaching hazardous chemicals to groundwater can be significantly reduced as well.